Astara (aka, Linda Walsh)
- About: I blog about Perl. Been using perl since 1989 when I came upon it as a replacement for shell scripting while working @ Sun.
Recent Actions
Commented on Mark your modules as adoptable if you don't want them
Postscript: When I first tried to submit the above, I got: Comment Submission Error Your comment submission failed for the following reaons: Your session has expired. Please sign in again to comment. Return to the _original entry_. I thought, huh?...
Commented on Mark your modules as adoptable if you don't want them
"Sometimes that happens with URLs in sentences": it does. If I'm embedding a link near punctuation, I try to make sure to put a space or such after the URL and then test it. If I'm going through the time...
Commented on Mark your modules as adoptable if you don't want them
I clicked on the above link -- first I got nothing but a form asking me what I wanted to search for -- thought maybe I had to be logged in -- then I got in: The user you specified,...

Comment Threads
brian d foy commented on
Mark your modules as adoptable if you don't want them
You might be making a joke from that, but for those of your that missed it, there's a trailing . (dot) at the end of that name. Sometimes that happens with URLs in sentences. The name is ADOPTME without the dot and you'll see the proper stuff if you take the dot off the end of the URL.
andrew-jones.com commented on
Mark your modules as adoptable if you don't want them
Here's a link so you can view the modules up for adoption without signing in:

About blogs.perl.org
blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.