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Commented on The Moose Slippery - February PR Challenge
Hi Why are you forcing anyone that hits perl blogs to watch this unpleasant video? It auto plays and sucked up a good chunk of my monthly mobile bandwidth. Also I find the images distressing since it looks to me...
Commented on RFC: Limiting grant duration
I agree this is not commercial... And when I set goals and timelines for the Catalyst project I do reserve the right to assert my personal life and career needs over tentative timeframes. But also it would be good if...
Commented on RFC: Limiting grant duration
Just thinking about it, I kinda feel 'three times the proposed timeframe' is way too generous. I would think if a grant has produced nothing within the originally scoped timeframe that there needs to be some sort of vote or...
Commented on RFC: Limiting grant duration
Although the proposal is not a bad idea to help mitigate the effects of this problem, it seems to me we need a better understanding of why this is happening in the first place. Because if grants fail like this...
Commented on Hire Good Developers
Hi, Try not to feel too bad. I've been happy in the last 3 of 4 jobs and the one job I was unhappy at also had this crazy and probably illegal hiring process. The other three jobs I was...
Commented on FindBin is fixed
Thanks for letting us know, and for the contribution! -jnap...
Commented on What should be in a CPAN distro README?
I tend to just use the readme to mirror the main pod docs. Since I stick everything on github that makes it easy for anyone that is looking on github to figure out what the module is about. on the...
Commented on Kiss Kiss Shebang Shebang
Hi Buddy, Just to be devil's advocate, if something thinks things look complex maybe they are a bit? you never know, sometimes the outsider opinion has some meaning worth looking for... In terms about scripts getting complex, I wonder if...
Commented on Launched http://perl.careers/
Hey, Not sure if this would help you but a while back I tried to write a faq aimed at recruiters: https://github.com/jjn1056/perl-recruiting-web feel free to steal as much as possible...
Commented on Perl 6 Status
Peter, I hate to even have to bring it up, but I feel I am forced to because as a working Perl5 programmer one of my unpaid job duties is fighting FUD and convincing my peers that Perl is not...
Commented on Perl 6 Status
yeah the whole, 'they are separate languages' is more of a political move to try and resolve the issues between the communities. In my mind the harm done to Perl by insisting Perl6 is going to replace Perl5 significantly outweighs...
Commented on Perl 6 Status
would you be open to a patch that outlines the relationship between Perl5 and Perl6? This is still clearly a frustrating and FUD prone topic. Something like: What in the relationship between Perl5 and Perl6? Although Perl6 was originally envisioned...
Commented on Travis-CI Helpers for Perl
Thanks haarg, these are awesome! -jnap...
Commented on Validating Nested JSON Hashes with Moose
Sometimes I use HTML::Formhandler to wrap this type of validation / inflation, that way I can get a results object (with accumulated error messages) instead of throwing an exception. The ability to get all the validation errors is pretty useful....
Commented on Doozi: Dezi + Moose
If you are concerned about performance you might want to look at Moo as well. This is another project that is built around a community and really aims to be forward compatible with Moose. The idea is that you can...
Commented on MetaCPAN Officially Welcomes Our OPfW and GSoC Participants
Since there are big chucks of metacpan written in Catalyst I would love to here about: 1) If any of the new features in Catalyst added since Metacpan went live are useful and 2) What Catalyst pain points do our...
Commented on Improving the grant program (2) Bi-monthly Grant Cycle
If more then one person works on a grant will the limit still be 10,000 or could be higher if the amount was split or somehow divided between two or more programmers?...
Commented on parsing email to get required information using perl script
Many people suggest https://metacpan.org/pod/Task::Kensho is a good collection of modules designed to guide newcomer in very common programming tasks, email amongst many. The suggested modern ProBook is also a good read for a newcomer. I also recommend http://learn.perl.org as a...
Commented on GPW2014 - REST workshop
thanks! I'd love to see this since I am working on core improvements to catalyst around REST and would be interested to see what prior art is around --john...
Commented on GPW2014 - REST workshop
I'd love to see a video of that, or the slides? Any idea where to look?...
Commented on Subroutine signatures in Perl are long overdue
Ovid, I'm looking forward to sub signatures as well, but for the validation case I personally find using something like HTML::Formhandlers a better fit as I'd prefer to return a validation results object rather than raise an exception (which is...
Commented on Status update on the p5 MOP project
Thank You Stevan -jnap...
Commented on I bought a weekly round for my friends
Ribashushi Now I know why frew pointed this site out to me. I think its a good idea and what's more I hope we can encourage some big companies that make a ton of money with Perl to add some...
Commented on Toolkit review: Devel::Local, Devel::SimpleTrace, Reply
But "Smacking it" and "Rebooting" seem to solve a disturbingly large number of problems... Makes you wonder about the nature of the universe....
Comment Threads
Aristotle commented on
RFC: Limiting grant duration
None of the failed grants ran less than a year, but all of the successful grants did. A one-year limit makes the most sense on that basis.
Some overoptimistic estimates were seriously missed, but the grants succeeded anyway and I’d feel loathe to sacrifice those.
On this basis, I would suggest something like “if the grant runs more than a year and twice its estimate, it will be considered a failure”. That is, any grant estimated at shorter than 4 months has some extra slack to finish late, but grants estimated at 4 months or longer may not only run up to twice …
Aristotle commented on
RFC: Limiting grant duration
Just thinking about it, I kinda feel 'three times the proposed timeframe' is way too generous. I would think if a grant has produced nothing within the originally scoped timeframe that there needs to be some sort of vote or review to decide if the work is worth continuing.
I disagree very strongly.
Strict control is important only if the value of the project is marginal; I would hope that the grants here yield results worth much more than the grant money itself. (And indeed, relative to market rates, t…
Makoto Nozaki commented on
RFC: Limiting grant duration
Although the proposal is not a bad idea to help mitigate the effects of this problem, it seems to me we need a better understanding of why this is happening in the first place.
Right. It's in our agenda to eliminate or decrease failures. Grant failure happens, but we should make every effort to prevent that. Fortunately we don't have recent failure examples but we will analyze carefully as they happen.
Strict control is important only if the value of the project is marginal;
Yes, I feel something similar. Open source activities are…
Alberto Simões commented on
The Moose Slippery - February PR Challenge
I am sorry for your bandwidth and for the moose. But it is a 4MB gif, not that much bandwidth :-)
https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmvC7NYQ48lyWVxfV8N5GAiyr-CDvYD2yo commented on
What should be in a CPAN distro README?
I liked this idea a great deal. So much so that I adopted it in the Git::Hooks module.
However, after releasing it I got a pull request explaining that there are some problems in keeping a README.pod file at the root of my distribution because it will be installed in the wrong place. (In my case, as Git::README instead of Git::Hooks::README.)
One solution would be to rename it to README.md and replace POD with Markdo…
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