Recent Actions
Commented on Test-Simple, Test-More, and Test-Builder. What is breaking? Should I be scared?
perlancar. It is in fact easier, but still not 100%. If you are talking purely Test::More, or Test::Simple then yes, it is easy. However extra tools that still use Test::Builder, instead of the new internals (Test::Stream) the behavior is lack...
Commented on Test-Simple Release-Candidates
James, Simple terminology issue. On cpan you can release a dist as either indexed (stable/normal) or unindexed (usually denoted via an underscore and a number at the end of the dist version.) I had always seen people call these unindexed...
Commented on CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I agree with Peter Rabbitsons solution, I left a comment to that same effect in the original post. I am the one making these Test::More changes, and I would have been a lot more reluctant to make these alpha releases...
Commented on Test::More has lots of crazy new development that's breaking my modules
As the person making the Test::More changes, I have to agree with this idea: Failures due to alpha versions of Test::More should not be red marks against OTHER modules that in no way took action to cause the problem. If...
Commented on Changes to Test::Builder/More/Simple incoming
Commented on Changes to Test::Builder/More/Simple incoming
Samuel, The problem there is with the test, not Test::Builder, though the changes in Test::Builder exposed the bug. Basically Test::Builder is getting these args: $VAR1 = [ 'tests', 3, 'Can\'t prevent leaks without Scalar::Util::weaken' ]; The problem is here: 4...
Commented on Test::More - New Maintainer, Also stop version checking!
Nathan, I agree that in 99% of cases it is fine to alter behavior based on version. There was never an official Test::More 1.5 release. There were experimental alphas only. Some people helped Schwern by downloading these alphas, or using...

Comment Threads
Aristotle commented on
Test::More - New Maintainer, Also stop version checking!
Can’t wait to read what the new roadmap is.
CPAN Testers commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
Your assumption that there would be virtually no changes after the Metabase is incorrect. There would be several. Again we've had this discussion before and as Toby also points out, the problem dependency may be nothing to do with the distribution that is a development release. It is not a trivial task to check this in the client either.
My intention, as Ether notes, is to use the Admin site to allow others to correctly attribute the report to the offending module. It's a slightlymore long-winded and manual process, but it will be more consistent when re-attributing reports.
Peter Rabbitson commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I still maintain that "oh, changing the set of test tags beyond the current 4 is too hard" is a dead-end strategy. In order to remain relevant the cpantesters infrastructure must allow for extra test-type additions anyway - the current set is too limited.
In addition I do not believe (given I know and admire the skill of everyone involved) that the current stack is written so badly, that it will be a monumental effort to allow for "super-namespacing" of the test results. At worst it should be a couple day slog, perfect for a hackathon... if there only was an upcoming one ;)
Andreas Koenig commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
Is this discussion probably just about limitations we have, as individuals and as a community? I see it that we have microcosmoses of people and modules and interactions between individual entities. Whenever some combination of those does not work we get some sort of problem and impact. And what we do about it is to watch carefully bad interactions so we can countersteer. More tags? What a brilliant idea if everybody could tag in advance what a release would break. But why release at all, then? If people could tag their software as broken in advance, why would they not fix their crap…
ben.hengst commented on
Test-Simple Release-Candidates
Awesome work! Thanks for plowing thru all of this for us.

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