
4fd0b91c-25fb-4682-8bfc-d986492c26cf []

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  • David Mertens commented on PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6

    @Salvador, I have written quite a bit of autolooping code for PDL using PDL::PP. While I agree that it might be nice for the compiler to automatically figure things out, I have seen many circumstances in which the autolooping behavior is ambiguous, and I needed some way to specify how to autoloop.

    As for the unnamed person talking about assigning to slices, you identify exactly what I want in Perl 6, but not what I meant we have in Perl 5. I was talking about using the slice itself as an lvalue, i.e.

    @data = ('a' .. 'l');
    # Assigning directly to the slice overwrites:
  • 6ae7ba33-d12b-49cf-89f9-34434fe68707 [] commented on PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6

    smls here. (Using stackexchange OpenID since logging in normally is borked right now for me.)

    Type checks against array dimensions/sizes

    This seems to be firmly planned, but not yet implemented:

    ➜ perl6 -e 'sub foo (@a($x, $y)) { ... };'
    ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
    Shape declaration with () is reserved

    Aliasing slices

    The following already works in Perl 6 right now (with Rakudo on MoarVM):

    my int @a = 2, 4, 6, 8; # create a compact native array
    my @b := @a[1, 3];      # take a slice, and bind …
  • Aristotle commented on PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6

    I think the new refaliasing feature (experimental in 5.22) will allow you to alias slices like so:

    \( @slice[ 0 .. 4 ] ) = \( @data[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ] );

    Obviously it’s ugly to have to count out the LHS slice by hand:

    \( @slice[ 0 .. $#$_ ] ) = \( @data[ @$_ ] )
        for [2, 3, 5, 7, 11];

    That’s quite a mouthful, but at least you can package it up in a function:

    sub alias_slice {
        my ( $src, @dst ) = shift;
        \( @dst[ 0 .. $#_ ] ) = \( @$src[ @_ ] );

    \my @slice = al…

  • therflabs commented on PDL features I'd like to see in Perl 6

    Call me crazy, but I had a freelance gig converting Python numpy/scipy to Perl PDL... And barely knowing Python it was a lot easier to understand than PDL.

    I can see why numpy/scipy has gained a lot of traction.

    I'd like to see P6 PDL to be like numpy/scipy to ease crossover to Perl 6 and lower the entry level for beginners. In my opinion usability and clear documentation for the non-math scholar has hurt what PDL could have been and could be a lesson for PDL Perl 6.

  • lajandy commented on Problems logging in to

    Test comment? If you can see this, the login link above worked for me!

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