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Commented on Machine learning in Perl: Kyuubi goes to a (Model)Zoo during The Starry Night.
I am in the process of learning ML and was reluctantly learning python even though we are big perl users. I have just come across this blog and its really made my day. Going to give this library a go!...

Comment Threads
tinmarino commented on
Machine learning in Perl: Kyuubi goes to a (Model)Zoo during The Starry Night.
You made a wonderfull work Sergey !!
I followed your tutorial, everything compiles, works super easy. Time for me to discover the API, make some slides, graph, images ...
Currently, I am not trained enought to make pull request in github. But I'll try to correct some errors when they appears.
This is contributing to AI diversity. I'd like to imitate you (softly), making a GEcode (constraint programming) wrapper. But I am scared of the overabundance of C++ templat…

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.