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Commented on CPAN Testers needs our help
In the time since this article was posted the EPO has closed its doors so potential sponsors should no longer be directed there. Also, the sponsors page at http://iheart.cpantesters.org/ is showing an error and has been for many months, likely...
Commented on A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
This is a clear, rational, well-argued call for a long overdue better name for this new language and I wholeheartedly endorse it. The continuing use of the Perl6 name is proving to be both damaging to the wider perception of...

Comment Threads
tangent commented on
A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
I fully support what you say here Zoffix. And Larry, you have given us so much - thank you - but please, one more thing...
sowhat commented on
A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
How about "PerlanG"?
This name keeps our beloved word "Perl" but pronounce entirely different like per-lang.
The last two letters "nG" imply "nextGen" while the first and the last letter "PG" looks like the file extention "p6".
Just another funny idea, LOL
finanalyst commented on
A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
I just read most of the attachments, and watched the video of Larry's keynote. There are two issues, and perhaps there is a compromise.
Everything Zoffix Znet has said I agree with! In fact, it is a reiteration of the points made by Damian.
However, there is a very significant aspect that both Larry and Damian have pointed out, one that is valuable and should not, ever, be devalued: community. The Perl community is - as Damian pointed out - warm, helping, supportive.
I think that Larry is concerned that by naming the Perl 6 language by anything other than Perl, it wou…

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