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Commented on A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
How about "PerlanG"? This name keeps our beloved word "Perl" but pronounce entirely different like per-lang. The last two letters "nG" imply "nextGen" while the first and the last letter "PG" looks like the file extention "p6". Just another funny...
Comment Threads
finanalyst commented on
A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6
I just read most of the attachments, and watched the video of Larry's keynote. There are two issues, and perhaps there is a compromise.
Everything Zoffix Znet has said I agree with! In fact, it is a reiteration of the points made by Damian.
However, there is a very significant aspect that both Larry and Damian have pointed out, one that is valuable and should not, ever, be devalued: community. The Perl community is - as Damian pointed out - warm, helping, supportive.
I think that Larry is concerned that by naming the Perl 6 language by anything other than Perl, it wou…
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