Jim Davis
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Commented on Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I prefer perldoc.pl. Took me way too long to find "quotes and quote-like operators" on perldoc.perl.org....

Comment Threads
Dean commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
You might like to plug in something like "mouseflow" (paid) or similar. ClickHeat seems to be the only foss one that i have come across. They are extremely helpful in working out whats valuable on the screen and what isnt.
In terms of design & layout inspiration, readthedocs.org/io is very popular - so people are accustomed to its layout and possibly its layout is well conceived.
In fact someone could probably feed perldocs in to it and see what it looks like.
Karl Williamson commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I like the non-official site somewhat better, but I can't explain why.
A glitch from the past was that a lot of links didn't work on autogenerated files. I couldn't find any failures in my brief attempts, so maybe that has been fixed.
xenu commented on
Request for Feedback: Perl Documentation Site
I prefer perldoc.pl, it's much better than perldoc.perl.org, although tbh I'm not a big fan of its design, it isn't *bad*, but it's slightly too gray and depressing for my taste.
A few random things I like about perldoc.pl:
- perldoc.pl has much better search, I especially like its special handling of perldeltas. Also the fact that I can input a punctuation variable in the search box and it just takes me to the right place in perlvar. I use that all the time.
- perldoc.perl.org is buggy, the bug Karl mentioned is still there and it's pretty serious. For example, go to…

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