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Commented on Scalar Context: Lists Versus Arrays
Well written! Thanks....
Commented on The Witch and the Witch-hunt
There was A truth-seeking process that was haphazard at best, in ways that are obvious to anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge of what happened An expeditionary power-grab despite explicit requests not to do so A punishment that...
Commented on Proposal for Perl Foundation Memberships
I agree. To not have memberships is to leave money on the table. Certainly Perl could do SOMETHING helpful with the money. Plus people want to be involved if only to that extent. Regular financial contributions (membership dues) are literally...
Commented on Perl dying? Well now I don't care
Your anger, frustration and fatigue makes sense to me. I'm so sorry to hear about your experience, and very glad you shared it in such detail, which took a good deal of your time and represents yet another effort you've...
Commented on Adventures in Perl
Welcome back! Perl, tools for Perl, and the Perl community have become even better over the last 10 years. Please share whatever surprising chocolates (or disappointments) you encounter. Your perspective will be valuable....
Commented on Please not yet-another-oo-system, let's support frameworks
We're in agreement about the wisdom of prohibiting the thorny parts of the language in order to enable the reliable parsing that's needed for IDEs (such as refactoring) that would be enforced by Sawyer X's Guacamole module. You also called...
Commented on Please not yet-another-oo-system, let's support frameworks
Dean -- curious to know whether you think standard perl would be better if renamed to be higherstandard perl. If I'm understanding it correctly, the idea is to prevent the developer from using certain Perl syntax that is accepted by...
Comment Threads
markov commented on
Perl dying? Well now I don't care
Dimitry, I have encountered many comparable problems as you described. For instance, I have attempted to get markup like =method =sub =example and inheritance information into plain POD, to help produce nicer HTML already 20 years ago. Many mechanisms block those developments unless you are a core maintainer. That's why I wrote OODoc (not to be confused with OpenOffice, which arrived much later)
For your YAML implementation: I basically agree with Tina: do it 100% or don't do it at all. We have too many modules which are just 80%; which break when you start using them in the real …
spb commented on
Proposal for Perl Foundation Memberships
I agree.
To not have memberships is to leave money on the table. Certainly Perl could do SOMETHING helpful with the money.
Plus people want to be involved if only to that extent. Regular financial contributions (membership dues) are literally a way for people to get invested in something they support.
The concerns described here are legitimate. But they don't outweigh the benefits.
Salve J. Nilsen commented on
Proposal for Perl Foundation Memberships
I completely agree with Dean about not having membership (including corporate partnerships) is a wasted opportunity, and I would LOVE to see YAS' bylaws be changed to open to this revenue source.
And to those of you who say "But TPF isn't spending that much money, so why do we need more?" – please take some time to think about issues that are NOT being handled in our communities, that the TPF could help with if they had more resources to do so.
A proposal like this requires us to foremost focus on future opportunities that require resources to make happen.
(And yes …
brian d foy commented on
Scalar Context: Lists Versus Arrays
There's also the perlfaq4 answer to "What is the difference between a list and an array?" https://perldoc.perl.org/perlfaq4#What-is-the-difference-between-a-list-and-an-array?
sofiya commented on
Adventures in Perl
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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.