Zoffix Znet
- Website: zoffix.com
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Posted Announce: Raku Perl 6 'Diwali' 6.d Language Specification Release to Zoffix Znet
On behalf of the development team, it brings me great pleasure to the Raku Perl 6 programming language.
Please see the PDF of our Release Brochure for all the details: ="https://marketing.pe…
- Posted Perl 6 Advent Calendar 2018 Call for Authors to Zoffix Znet
- Posted A Request to Larry Wall to Create a Language Name Alias for Perl 6 to Zoffix Znet
Posted The 100 Day Plan: The Update on Perl 6.d Preparations to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
Today's is a miles…
- Posted Introducing: Perl 6 Marketing Assets Web App to Zoffix Znet
- Posted Introducing: Newcomer Guide to Contributing to Core Perl 6 to Zoffix Znet
- Posted Talk Slides and Recording: "Intro Into Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars" to Zoffix Znet
- Posted Talk Slides and Recording: "Faster Perl 6 Programs" to Zoffix Znet
Posted Cancellation of Perl 6 Constants and Rationals Grant to Zoffix Znet
I've requested The Perl Foundation to cancel my currently running grant "Perl 6 Bugfixing and Performance of Rationals / Fixing Constraints on Constants" on the grounds that a more detailed investigation into…
Posted The Missing Contributors of Perl 6 to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
Today, I came ac…
Commented on Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
I think you're giving Python too much credit. Replacing symbols with words doesn't make the language simpler, as you still need to know the exact behaviour, edge cases, and failure modes, to understand the program correctly. Just because you can...
Commented on Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
> But if this is idiomatic Perl 6, then learning to program Perl 6 by reading code in published libraries is not gonna work for me. Yes, other than using `:batch` to mean `batch => 1` and perhaps abusing `:3rd`...
Posted Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
If I were to pick the most …
Posted Perl 6 CaR TPF Grant: Monthly Report (June, 2018) to Zoffix Znet
This document is the June, 2018 progress report for The Perl Foundation's Perl 6 Constant and Rationals Grant.
The bonus deliverable "Perl 6 Numerics" Language documentation…
- Posted A Call to Action: Polish Perl 6 First Steps Experience to Zoffix Znet
Posted Perl 6 CaR TPF Grant: Monthly Report (May, 2018) to Zoffix Znet
This document is the May, 2018 progress report for The Perl Foundation's Perl 6 Constant and Rationals Grant.
Tangibles Produced
This month I was working in docs and roast repos, in s…
Posted WANTED: Perl 6 Historical Items to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
The Perl 6 programm…
- Posted Perl 6: On Specs, Versioning, Changes, and... Breakage to Zoffix Znet
Commented on MooseX for No Poop
-_- looks like the site strips HTML comments... I meant text "no-perly-bot" inside a comment....
Commented on MooseX for No Poop
FWIW: including comment in the article's source will prevent _perly_bot from posting it in places....
Posted Perl 6 Core Hacking: QASTalicious to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
Over the past mon…
Posted Long Live Perl 5! to Zoffix Znet
You probably have read a recent Open Letter to the Perl Community. The letter has generated a lot of response (="https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/7r1b33/an_open_letter_to_the_perl_c…
- Posted Announcing P6lert: Perl 6 Alerts Directly From Core Developers to Zoffix Znet
Posted Rakudo Perl 6 Advent Calendar 2017 Call for Authors to Zoffix Znet
Every year since 2009, the Rakudo Perl 6 community publishes a Rakudo Perl 6 advent calendar, in the form of blog posts on perl6advent.wordpress.com.
To keep up this great tradition, we need 24 blog posts, and volunteer…
Commented on 6lang Naming Proposal is Good
Why version 7.0 for 6lang? :) It's already versioned using letters: 6.c for the current one, next one is 6.d, 6.e afterwards, etc. There's currently not a lot of support for "6lang" as an alias to the language name and...
Posted CPAN6 Is Here to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
If you've been following Rakudo's de…
Posted 6lang: The Naming Discussion Update to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on 6lang.Party
When a couple mon…
Posted The Rakudo Book Project to Zoffix Znet
Read this article on Rakudo.Party
When I first joined the Ra…
- Posted On Troll Hugging, Hole Digging, and Improving Open Source Communities to Zoffix Znet
Posted You're invited: Community Bug SQUASHathon to Zoffix Znet
Rakudo and other repositories in perl6 GitHub org have plenty of open bug tickets. We decided it would be neat to give them an extra push with concentrated effort, which is why we'd like to organize a monthly, 1-day virtual event where we pick a repository…

Comment Threads
Sergey Kolychev commented on
Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
Yeah, I share msanders's sentiment.
In the age of Python reigning as a king due to its simple by design syntax, creation of a language as complex as Perl 6 is certainly a nice brain stimulating experience.
But will it be accepted widely ? Unlikely. -
Pawel bbkr Pabian commented on
Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
I consider colonpairs in method arguments THE BEST feature of Perl 6, hands down. It makes large codebase very consistent because it promotes genuine laziness when choosing variable names.
Consider common P5ism like:
my $name = 'John';
sub authenticate {
my ( $login, $password ) = @_;
# is correct data passed?
# or maybe user authenticates by his email?
authenticate( $name, ...);
While in P6 if I have:
sub authenticate ( Str:D :$login, Str:D :$password ) {
aseric commented on
The Hot New Language Named Rakudo
There is no doubt the "Wall" in front of Perl 5 should be removed so it can proceed.
My two points:
1) For Perl
Remember Java 1.5 was marketed as Java 5 and it was easier to proceed from there on.
Similary Perl 6 can be skipped for Perl.Perl has been in Perl 5 for very long time. The next major version should be released as Perl 7 which will give a fresh beginning and surely every perl programmer will leap in joy. (Perl 6 can be skipped similar to Java which skipped 3 and 4)
Language Name: …
Alexander commented on
Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
What about extended identifiers per se, e.g. identifiers of the form “ordinary_identifier:key”? Should such identifiers be considered to contain an actual “colon pair”? Or is it better to refer to such an identifier as merely comprising, for instance, a “colon-separated string”, or perhaps a “colon-separated string adhering to colon pair syntax”?
The question came up while revising the Perl6 documentation on identifiers, and there is uncertainty about whether or not the “colon pair” is a syntactic construct that plays an actual role in the formation of identifiers…
Alexander commented on
Perl 6 Colonpairoscopy
That should be: identifiers of the form ordinary_identifier:key<value>?

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