Ryan Voots
- Website: www.simcop2387.info
- About: I blog about Perl. And never fill out bios.
Recent Actions
Posted Perl fediverse network to Ryan Voots
ED: This is also posted on reddit, https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/zp8d5g/perl_fediverseactivitypub_social_network/ so please check there also
A while back I bought the https://perl…
Commented on Opinions Wanted On Changing Vim Syntax Highlighting
Personally what I'd like to see (but it's probably not practical or sane to anyone else), is -> being highlighted in a different color than the methods themselves, and then something like the third option. This would also make it...
Commented on Trials and troubles with changing @INC
Andreas, thanks you and kent\n pointed that out I've fixed it in the article....
Posted Trials and troubles with changing @INC to Ryan Voots
With the upcoming 5.26 release series of Perl, there's a breaking change that's part of the release. The current directory, '.', is being removed from @INC. It's a good thing, it deals with a bunch of potential security problems and has been discussed more thoroughly elsewhere

Comment Threads
Konstantin Uvarin commented on
Trials and troubles with changing @INC
Maybe there should be a module to help testing w/o "." on older perls? Something along the lines of
noinc.pm ----------- package noinc; @INC = grep { $_ ne '.' } @INC; 1;
And then
PERL5OPT=-Mnoinc make test
Grinnz commented on
Trials and troubles with changing @INC
You can use lib.pm for that:
no lib '.';
or PERL5OPT=-M-lib=.
Konstantin Uvarin commented on
Trials and troubles with changing @INC
Wow! So cool, never would have thought of it.
phluks commented on
Opinions Wanted On Changing Vim Syntax Highlighting
I agree with the way you state the problem.
Of the 3 examples, I prefer the second option without method highlighting - the absence of highlighting becomes a highlight in itself.
I also like Ryan Voots suggestion. -
Buddy Burden commented on
Trials and troubles with changing @INC
Hey, Ryan. How's it going?
Just tried to look at my failures, but I hit two problems:
* The author page says I have two failing modules, but the module page only lists one with my name on it.
* The link to the failure log gives me a 404.Thx for all your hard work!

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