

  • About: Just a guy who uses Perl
  • Posted MariaDB 10 and SQL::Translator::Producer to usna78

    Following up on my previous post (MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader), I wanted to try the 'deploy' feature to create database tables from Schema/Result classes.

    I was surprised that I could not create a table in the database when a timestamp field had a default of current_tim…

  • Posted MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader to usna78

    Fixing DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader For Use With MariaDB 10 Client Software

    I recently set up a virtual Server Running Rocky Linux 9 as a client from which to query a remote MariaDB database. I used perlbrew to install Perl 5.38.2. I installed client related RPMs for MariaDB 10.5, I insta…

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