Captain Coconut
Recent Actions
Commented on For speakers at Perl conferences...
If you're using OS X 10.6, just use Quicktime's screen recording function instead - and make sure you have enough disk space for it, I get maybe 3Mb/minute....
Commented on Promoting Perl is fun
Considering neither your name or company nor anybody else's were mentioned, is there a good reason why you have said absolutely nothing helpful in response to criticism that is clearly not vulgar nor a direct attack on you? My rant...
Commented on Put up or Shutup, part 1: Starting somewhere
Is there some archive of this mailing list somewhere at all, so I can at least catch up on all that has been said?...
Posted Put up or Shutup, part 1: Starting somewhere to Captain Coconut
My ranting and raving from the previous post, which I expected to only receive shun, flame and troll turned out to have a positive side effect: being told to actually do something about the things I was complaining about. So instead of disappearing into
… -
Commented on The "M" word is the wrong word.
One of the big problems Perl has is that it look small on the web. ...A lot of what you get when you search for "Perl" is either out of date, generic, crap or repetitions of the man pages. So...
Commented on The "M" word is the wrong word.
"I think these would be really cool for other people to do." If you want to do them, then tell us that, and where you'd like to start. I applaud you for attempting to take this from an idle rant...
Commented on The "M" word is the wrong word.
Your list of proposed problems and solutions is also marketing. In some senses yes. However, we could argue what constitutes marketing until the cows come home, but if it helps in my description of what I believe to be the...
Commented on The "M" word is the wrong word.
I would be lying if I said I knew the entire story from every angle. Obviously my opinion comprises of what I know so far. What you've said changes my opinion....
Commented on The "M" word is the wrong word.
In all honestly, I wouldn't know where to start. All of these would take more than just one guy writing on a blog and the co-operation of the people I just criticized....
Posted The "M" word is the wrong word. to Captain Coconut
If you are offended, angered or feel I am mistaken, I welcome dialogue on this topic. No doubt what I will say might piss someone off.
So far, the only people with vocal voices in the "Marketing" of Perl are people with financial interests in the language - consultants, trainers and the li…

Comment Threads
Shlomi Fish commented on
Promoting Perl is fun
I've received my own share of criticism for my own work, but I survived and knew better than to quit contrib…
mirod commented on
For speakers at Perl conferences...
Any recommendations for Linux by any chance?
pmichaud commented on
For speakers at Perl conferences...
I tried recording myself at OSCON with mixed results. I set up an extra microphone (the built-in mic gets too much laptop noise) and used "recordMyDesktop" for Linux. Everything worked great for about 25 minutes, until I tried to open a Firefox window in the presentation and my machine crashed hard and rebooted itself. My notebook has never rebooted itself in this way. So, I had to do the rest of the presentation without recording the screen (plus I lost some time in restarting my presentation).
I don't know exactly where the problem was -- Firefox, recordmydesktop, Linux, or eve…
Ranguard commented on
For speakers at Perl conferences...
Thanks for all the comments, I didn't know that about Quicktime on 10.6, and good to know there is a linux option.
Ranguard commented on
For speakers at Perl conferences...
Typically, even though I ran a full test before hand, the software crashed at the end of my talk! - So *cheer* for conference organisers (and others) who have uploaded the Perl Talk Videos

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.