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Posted My Perl Weekly Challenge to AWNCORP
Really, how hard could it be?
All this talk about types, objects, and systems, got me to thinking, "what would it take to create a 100% backwards-compatible pure Perl proof-of-concept for optionally typabl…
Posted Types, Objects, and Systems, Oh my! to AWNCORP
Inextricably bound
Perl isn't a strongly typed language, and its built-in types are limited and not generally accessible to the engineer, however, Perl supports various classes of data and in recent years has flirted with various ways of enabling runtime type checking.
In a stron…
Posted Introducing Venus, a new world for Perl 5 to AWNCORP
Programming in Perl is choices all the way down. Perl is a multi-paradigm programming language which means that Perl can support the development of software using different programming paradigms, e.g. functional programming, object-oriented programming, and more.
Commented on Modular, Decoupled, Best Practiced, Well Designed, Bullshit
@JT, yes, I'd have to agree with you (100%). I too write code from dusk til dawn most days and find myself, quite often, bothered by my own wanting for my code and/or architecture to be perfect. I think it's...
Commented on The Four Major Problems with CPAN
I totally agree with your post, I also totally agree with the last comment, less the dismissive tone. Having used C# and the .NET framework I can attest to it's robustness and awesomeness. That being said, for the sake of...
Commented on The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github
About a year ago I was squawked at about this so I altered my dist.ini file to copy the generated Makefile.PL and put in it the repo, then I worked this approach into my release process. The dist.ini file is...
Commented on Usability testing of CPAN modules
Really great article and message, what we've basically done here is stumbled into our very own open-source quality assurance process, I hope others follow this lead. Also, for those that look beyond this article, Vyacheslav's critique was of Validation::Class version...
Commented on Behavior Driven Development in Perl
Hey Pete, No, Test::BDD::Cucumber is great and from what little I've seen of the source code, it follow the Cucumber spec whereas mine doesn't. I wrote my own merely for fun, also I wanted more control over how feature specifications...
Commented on Behavior Driven Development in Perl
I too have inspired recently by BDD. I think the name holds as each scenario tests a usage-pattern and not just methods. Furthermore, I've looked at the ruby Cucumber docs and Test::BDD::Cucumber and decided to roll-my-own parser for fun which...
Commented on Linode is sponsoring a beer party at YAPC::NA 2012. We’ll...
Lindermans Framboise please :-)...
Commented on Dear LazyPerl, looking for a logger
I was recently looking for a logging library with the same criteria and someone pointed me to Log::Dispatch. Check it out ......
Commented on We’re pleased to announce that Shutterstock has become...
I'm aware of ShutterStock's support of the Perl community. They're awesome, .. its also worth mentioning the libraries they contribute to the ecosystem (can't find the page right this moment but http://bits.shutterstock.com/?p=63). IMO, it also seems that they're neck-and-neck with...
Commented on What is the Marpa algorithm?
This is awesome, .. especially Marpa::HTML. I stumbled across this post because I frequent blogs.perl.org but coincidentally I was looking into how I would approach a PP HTMLTidy solution. I thought about the different ways to parse the source, quick-and-dirty,...
Commented on What I learned from YAPC::Brasil
Very cool and interesting read. make me feel like I was there. :)...
Commented on Unconference Track at YAPC::NA 2012
I've never been but I think this is a great idea (off-the-beaten-path)....

Comment Threads
larryl commented on
The Four Major Problems with CPAN
@brian d foy said:
> I am constantly and consistently surprised about how many
> people do not first try to work with existing projects.For me, GitHub has been the single biggest factor in lowering the barriers to entry to making contributions to existing CPAN modules. I find I'm far more likely to contribute changes to an existing module when all I need to do is fork it and send a subsequent pull request. Maybe if more source code was handled via GitHub (or similar mechanism) there might be less of a tendency to reinvent the wheel as opposed to enhancing existing co…
Buddy Burden commented on
The Four Major Problems with CPAN
Yet Another Problem with the ideas (not that I wish to discourage you--definitely keep pursuing these ideas, as they're much needed--but just to make sure you're thinking of all the issues) is that, while sometimes there is a "right" and a "wrong" module, sometimes there isn't. That is, sometimes there are two modules that both do the job and there just isn't a clear reason to prefer one over the other. Perhaps one is OO and the other isn't. Perhaps one has more features but the other has a simpler interface. Perhaps one works well for A but not at all for B, while the other…
Caleb Cushing ( xenoterracide ) commented on
Modular, Decoupled, Best Practiced, Well Designed, Bullshit
This has to be balanced, and of course sometimes purism takes longer not because it takes longer, but because you haven't really grokked it yet (my last post on Dependency Injection and Providers shows this because it took me a while to get to a solution that wasn't a massive pain in the ass ). Though one could argue it's a lot more code than the simplest approach and in some cases that simple approach would work.
You have to strike a balance though, I've seen a 10k line if/then/else chain CGI, that had 0 abstraction. It's often faster to write 0 abstraction, and slower to write more…
Nova Patch commented on
We’re pleased to announce that Shutterstock has become...
We list our open source projects at code.shutterstock.com. Search the page for "perl" because we have projects in other languages too.
micheleberg commented on
The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github
Above, you describe syntax for pointing a cpanfile to git. The end of the line is cut off, unfortunately:
requires "MyExperimental::Module" => "git://github.com/lestrrat/p5-MyExpDo you know if this still works for cpanm and/or Carton, and what the proper syntax is for it? cpanm keeps trying to read the url as a version number, no matter how I enter it.

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