Olivier Mengué (dolmen)
- Website: metacpan.org/author/dolmen
Recent Actions
Commented on mop minus proposal
mop::minus looks like more like Moo/Mouse/Mo than MOP. MOP means « Meta Object Protocol ». I see nothing like that in mop::minus. mop::minus seems to be just some cool syntax for Object::Tiny. This is just deceptively simple....
Commented on Which modules are currently loaded by process?
For more advanced output, use Devel::TraceUse....
Commented on A most amusing annoyance
Using Perl one-liners from a Unix shell requires that you master two programming languages: Perl and your shell. Quoting is a basic feature of shell programming that you must understand if you want to avoid surprises with one-liners. If your...
Commented on Padre is now on Github
Is the old Svn repository now closed or at least frozen? What is the policy for commit bits on the new repo? Where are issues tracked now? Still in Track? If yes, the "Issues" tab should be disabled on Github....
Commented on I hate unpacking sub calls with shift
Note also that @_ is alias to arguments given to the sub which means that it gives you not only read access to the argument, but also write access if it is a variable. my $a = 2; say $a;...
Commented on Public 0 is the new Inbox 0
I currently have 30 in my "Yours"/"Open" :( But I'm glad to see I have 216 in my "Yours"/"Closed". Yay! Most of them are for CPAN modules....
Commented on how to add switches to a perl program like plackup or dzil
Much simpler: use -S flag of perl (see perlrun): perl -d:Confess -S dzil release See also my dzil profiling tricks from my talk at YAPC::EU....
Commented on Rewriting Pod::Readme
@neil Do it! I would use that too!...
Commented on Rewriting Pod::Readme
See Dist::Zilla plugins: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod...
Commented on Classify your RT tickets on CPAN Day!
Yes, there's a post somewhere about that ("Maintainer's notes on rt.cpan.org")....
Commented on Put your CPAN distributions on github
Also, don't forget to add a link to your Github account from your MetaCPAN profile. This will help potential contributors to find your repositories even if you forgot to put the link in META.yml/json....
Commented on Don't be afraid to rename your module / dist
@Ahmad Just remember that namespaces are quite an old-school way to provide search hints. Searching the Internet has long ago moved away from guessing domain names, and we now rely on search engines that analyze content and, in particular, use...
Commented on Give your module a good SEE ALSO section
Now that we have META.yml/META.json the DEPENDENCIES section is quite irrelevant as it is not as powerful as the raw data. Sites like MetaCPAN can process META files to render them for humans, even for modules that don't have the...
Commented on Broken LWP in the wild
LWP 6.04 requires Mozilla::CA version 20110101. However an obsolete version of Mozilla::CA may be a security issue (depending on the web sites targeted). It should at least recommend the latest version of Mozilla::CA at the time of release. But anyway,...
Commented on Test::RequiresInternet now on CPAN
Here is how Microsoft Windows 7+ tests Internet availability: http://blog.superuser.com/2011/05/16/windows-7-network-awareness/...
Commented on Another (silly) idea: autocorrect in shell (bash) tab completion
You should try fish which has many interactive features that you may like....
Commented on git blame across the entire codebase
And what about linking your post to that script?...
Commented on search.cpan.org
A few reasons why I'm a MetaCPAN promoter: search.cpan.org still has the look of 1997 web sites. Just this can let people think that Perl is stuck there. you can submit issues about MetaCPAN, they are public, and you get...
Commented on Removing Boilerplate with Import::Into
@davewood: use experimental qw< signatures postderef >;...
Commented on And Now for Something Not Moose Releated
Movable Type ate a bit of code... my $lines = `wc -l < "$dir/$file"`;...
Commented on And Now for Something Not Moose Releated
Here is how to do it the perl way: #!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; # // say use strict; use warnings; use autodie; my $dir = shift // '.'; # Map filename => modification time my %files = # Note that...
Commented on Immutability with Moo(se)
@mascip: DateTime being mutable is a bad design. Just don't use mutable classes for the properties of the class you want to be immutable. Yes, I know this is good in theory, but hard is practice due to the DateTime...
Commented on Prototypes and the call checker
Another typo in §2: "takes affect" => "takes effect"...
Commented on Prototypes and the call checker
The link to ex5 is broken....
Commented on Bangkok.pm 1 meet up short summary and pictures.
Steven: You could start with social meetings, like most of Paris.pm meetings. This helps to build a community by building on friendship. Discussions about Perl will come informally. But still, having a summary of the event (list of subjects discussed,...
Commented on Marketing for Perl is easy because Perl is awesome
"No modules on CPAN, not a member of any Perl-organisation, not a single line of code written in the past 9 years, and mainly being silly and loud." Hey, Wendy, that's exactly why the White Camel Award was invented! And...
Commented on Why kickstarting increases chances of success
Could you fix the HTML to use hyperlinks?...
Commented on Finally a Perl Mod for Canadians
Typo in the title... (or maybe a pun I don't get)...
Commented on German Perl Workshop 2014 - Talks available on YouTube - T+25 days
yapc.tv and perltv.org exist to centralize such videos. It would be helpful to add the videos (or the links) on those sites too....
Commented on parsing email to get required information using perl script
This site is for blogging about Perl. This is not a forum for asking questions. Here are two alternative sites to post your question: StackOverflow and Perl Monks....
Comment Threads
Luca Ferrari commented on
mop minus proposal
While I appreciate the effort, I cannot understand why another OOP support when there already a lot, and with a very good implementation (Moose being probably the most adopted).
https://me.yahoo.com/a/FQMi.N5i0IzdnUgI0Ite4hPzi5Teukf.wOGAiQ--#4e81f commented on
A NuoDB Driver for Perl
Thanks for releasing this - any chance you could put it on CPAN as well - that would make using it much easier (and you also get it tested on lots of plaforms and other goodies).
Peter Martini commented on
Prototypes and the call checker
Zefram pointed me to http://search.cpan.org/dist/Debug-Show/lib/Debug/Show.pm, which is doing what I had in mind. Thanks!
Wendy commented on
Marketing for Perl is easy because Perl is awesome
Can I add text to my own blog?
Wendy commented on
Marketing for Perl is easy because Perl is awesome
I can. But I can't remove that comment.
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