Results matching “PAWS”

Paws the V (The Joy of Paws)

Lest see I last left off with this in my test;

not ok 10207 - Exception accessing status: Can't locate object method "status"
via package "Paws::S3::RestoreObjectOutput" at t/lib/Paws/ line 19.

I think I am going to fix that but first I will as a general question up on the Paws website to get a little advice in case I am going down a rabbit hole.

While I am waiting for a response this is a good opportunity to have a look at why test driven development is fun.

Right now I have that failing test an…

Paws the IV

Well I left off from my last post doing a little update to the documentation of Paws which introduced the basic layout and concept of botocore json data and it use in auto-generating code. In today's post I am going to look at an equally important part of auto-generated code and that is testing said code.

Paws has a massive test suite which is nice and good the only problem I have with it is it is 100% static data driven.

What this means you are testing against canned expected results, or as we say in the testing world

nugas quae in nugas quae sun…

Paws for Fun and Profit. The III

I left off on my last post with a little patch to do. To recap I successfully restored an S3 file that was on 'Glacier' back into 'S3' with the Paws::S3 RestoreObject command.

There was one little point and that was in the AWS S3 API documents I found this

| Name |         Description                     | Required   |
|      | Lifetime of the restored (act…

Paws for Fun and Profit. Part the Second

So today I am going to start some actual work on Paws by playing with Paws::S3. For those that do not know S3 is the Amzazon's Simple Storage System a place where we AWS types can store just about anything we want up on the cloud.

One part of S3 is the ability to change the storage state/class of an artifact. It all depends on what you are doing with the artifact. If the artifact needs to be shared across the web, like an image, you would just put it in the 'Standard' class. If you are archiving artifacts for safe keeping and there is no requirement to get them back right away y…

Paws for Fun and Profit. Part the First.

Well I think it is time I get back to blogging as the one month hiatus I originally planned has now stretched out to I think 10 or 11 months with only two little posts on the SPW back in August..

One of the positive notes from that rather depressing (at least from a Perl perspective) meet-up was the feed back I received on my one year's worth of blogging.

A few points that where raised are;

  • I should try and do more community oriented posts rather than post from my own little development bubble.

  • Go more for quality vs quantity.

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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations