Results matching “CPAN Day”

Visually graphing module dependencies

I've just released the first version of prereq-grapher, a script which generates the dependency graph for a module or script in any of the formats supported by Graph::Easy. The functionality lives in App::PrereqGrapher, which in turn uses Perl::PrereqScanner to extract dependencies.

Testing scripts in your distribution, portably

This is a summary of the things I had to do, to add a simple test case for a script that I added to one of my distributions. It's taken over 2 elapsed days, 3 developer releases, and two sessions on IRC, to get to the end. I'm writing this up (a) so I don't forget, and (b) in case it's useful to someone else, and (c) in case the peanut gallery can point out any further gotchas I've missed.

CPAN modules for checking credit card numbers (LUHN check)

I have published a review of CPAN modules for checking credit card numbers, using the LUHN algorithm. There are nine modules listed, with seven of them able to do a LUHN check on an arbitrary number (one of the other modules is vaporware from Steven Haryanto!)

I've also updated the review of modules for defining constants: a new version of Const::Fast was released …

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About Neil Bowers

user-pic Perl hacker since 1992.