March 2018 Archives


I just shipped 1.300 of this module to the CPAN and it occurs to me that I’ve never talked about it here. I suppose I figured that what it does is so simple that there’s not much to say about it. But it‘s useful if you need what it does, and I wrote it because nobody else had.

  1. Do you have a web site being served over HTTPS?
  2. Do you want to redirect visitors coming in over HTTP to HTTPS?
    (I.e. send visitors of to instead.)

If you answered yes once, you almost certainly answered yes twice. Right? It’s such a common thing to need.

But when I went looking for a way to make my PSGI application do that, I found nothing on CPAN.


Last year I released this new module.

I want to talk about its purpose briefly, because in the time since, people have published benchmarks of how it performs compared to other modules that offer alternatives to eval. The latest example of such a benchmark is part of the Exceptions chapter in Minimum Viable Perl (via), but they go as far back as Diab Jerius’ shootout right after I released the module.

It is, of course, interesting to see the figures to see where Try::Tiny::Tiny falls.

However, simply treating it like another contender in such a contest misunderstands its purpose. Try::Tiny::Tiny is not meant to compete with any of the other modules. It is not meant to be your choice for exception block syntax.

I do not recommend that you use Try::Tiny::Tiny in your own code.

About Aristotle

user-pic Waxing philosophical