October 2022 Archives

Mystery Buglet #2

Hey! I know, I know: long time, no blog.  I would love to blame the pandemic, but the truth is, I just haven’t been inspired with any sufficiently Perl-y topics lately.  Until recently, when I ran into this.

Now, once upon a time, I wrote a post about a small buglet I had encountered.  The post presented the problem, then asked you if you saw the problem, then explained what was going on.  So let’s do that again.  First, the code:

sub generate_temp_file
state $TMPFILES = [];
END { unlink @$TMPFILES }
my $tmpfile = `script-which-generates-tempfile`;
chomp $tmpfile;
push @$TMPFILES, $tmpfile;
return $tmpfile;

As before, the actual code does a bit more, but I promise I’ve omitted nothing that’s relevant to the bug.  Do you see it?  If not, click to find out more.

About Buddy Burden

user-pic 16 years in California, 27 years in Perl, 36 years in computers, 57 years in bare feet.