March 2012 Archives

How to do confrence proceedings in (Xe)Latex

So, I had actually been wondering this for quite a while as I had thought that I would at some point be asked to typeset a journal or conference proceedings. I searched on Google but I could never get anything worthwhile to come up. However, I decided the time for research was over and the time to just attempt it was on me; this is also because I now have a publisher for the colloquium proceedings that I am running in the summer.

So, first of all some code

\documentclass[b5paper, 12pt, openright]{book}


SlantedFont={Linux Libertine Slanted O}]{Linux Libertine O}




\usepackage[b5paper, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=3cm, right=3cm]{geometry}

\usepackage[style=verbose-ibid, backend=biber]{biblatex}








A few things about this code should jump out at you. First, I am using XeLaTeX rather than PDFLaTeX. I do this because it has a much, much easier font selection system than PDFLaTeX. Second, you will notice that I am using biblatex and biber. Like Modern Perl, the LaTeX community have moved on from BibTeX to biblatex and biber (the bibtex replacement) make working with bibliographies an absolute pleasure.

So, a few things to say here. The refsection is the biblatex way of breaking bibliographies across chapters. The argument is the bibliography file where the bibtex database format, which is still in use, is stored.

So, on to the problem most people have. How do I put the author’s name and the title of their paper in the table of contents? So here is some sample code from the Art1.tex file:

\chapter*{Title \\
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Author -- \emph{Title}}

So, as you can see here, using the \chapter* command which doesn’t put the chapter information into the table of contents, you can then use the \addcontentsline command to manually put whatever you like on the command line. There is one thing you need to do however unless you want all the sections and subsections to appear in the table of contents: you must use \section* in all instances otherwise things look odd. So, the last thing you need to do is put your \printbibliography at the end of the file and do the same for each article and you are done.

Fun with Git

So, git has the —all command, which adds all tracked and untracked files for staging to commit. I really dislike this because I wanted something that would just add all the tracked files for staging to commit. So, a friend of mine in the office said that he had a shell script which did it so I give you git add for only tracked files:

git status | grep "modified: " | awk '{print $3}' | xargs git add

About cyocum

user-pic Celticist, Computer Scientist, Nerd, sometimes a poet…