January 2014 Archives

ZMQ::FFI and FFI::Raw

A few months ago I released ZMQ::FFI, zeromq bindings for Perl that use FFI::Raw instead of XS. There's been some interest, so I thought I would write a short post to announce the module beyond the zeromq mailing list.

In another post I'll discuss FFI::Raw itself, what it currently provides, as well as some advanced use cases that came up during the development of ZMQ::FFI. If reverse depends on metacpan is anything to go by, it seems many people aren't aware of this module. In fact, at the time of this writing ZMQ::FFI is the only module using it:

ffi-raw-reverse-depends.png That's a shame, as it's a terrific module which finally makes FFI in Perl feasible. It effectively eliminates the need for XS in many cases, and it's sufficiently baked to be considered "production ready."

About Dylan Cali
