July 2020 Archives

It was bound to happen.

While I don't actually work in Perl these days, and not by choice, I still keep an eye on the community. The language is chugging along nicely. Perl 6 is out, so at least that joke has died down, features are being added, some beneficiary, some not. All is well in perland.

Then the news dropped. Perl 7. I was very interested. More so when I realised that it was a rebranding of the latest Perl. First, let me say one thing right off the bat. It's a good call. I'm all for it. In fact, I'm so all for it that ="https://blogs.perl.org/users/erez_schatz/2011/06/it-was-bound-to-happen--…

About Erez Schatz

user-pic Because sometimes you need to bash your head against the wall until either you, or the wall, give up.