January 2014 Archives

Repliconz - dev log 0 (Perl and SDL)

I posted this yesterday on my personal site and realised it might just act as a reasonable "getting started" type article for SDL with Perl. Further articles in the series probably won't have this level of detail, so I'll keep them on my own site. Anyway, on with the show.

So I decided to play around with Perl's SDL bindings. A game appears to be happening, so let's play around with this dev log idea too, documenting the process and pitfalls of making some stuff move around on screen.

It turns out you don't need to know a whole lot to make this happen, in the simplest cases at least. Let's see what we have so far:

Youtube link

OK, so we're not going to set the world alight just yet. Anyway, we have a guy and some bullets. We are missing enemies, scoring, action, pew pew noises and any incentive to play. These come later, I hope.

About fuzzix

user-pic Software Developer (mostly Perl) in Dublin.