May 2013 Archives

Get Yourself In The Perl Companies Database

Vicky Brasseur has started a project on GitHub to collect information about companies that use Perl. I think this could be a huge asset to the Perl community. Just knowing who uses the language is immensely helpful to job seekers, managers, module authors, language maintainers, conference organizers, and entrepreneurs.

The database has already been seeded with information extracted from several years of job postings[1]. So if your company is listed, please make sure the information is correct. And if it's not listed, then …

Visualizing Dependencies On Stratopan

I've always found it difficult to comprehend the relationships between all the Perl modules in a large application. So for a long time I used GraphViz to create dependency graphs. But I was never quite happy with them because they were fairly static and hard to understand once you had more than a couple dozen modules in play.


Using Stratopan To Build ... Stratopan

Stratopan is a slick new service for hosting custom CPAN-like repositories in the cloud. I've been doing all the development work for Stratopan on my laptop computer. But the other day, I decided to try running it on the Linode server I rent.


So I logged in to the (nearly pristine) server, fired up cpanm to install all the prerequisite modules, and launched the application. Lo and behold, it was broken! Read on to find out how Stratopan actually saved me from hours of debugging pain...

Thank You For Supporting Pinto!

The crowd funding campaign for Pinto ended last week and I'm delighted to report that it was a huge success! We completely surpassed our goal and received a total of $4,620.12 from 128 contributors (including payments through PayPal and Flattr).

I am extremely grateful to each and every contributor, and I am deeply moved by the overwhelming support of the Perl community at large. As a humble token of my appreciation, every contributor will get a fre…

About Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer

user-pic Hacker, speaker, author, dad.