April 2015 Archives

Come to MojoConf and tell us something cool!

Maybe you are already registered for this year’s MojoConf in New York City (June 4th-6th) or maybe you are still thinking about it. Either way, a great way to introduce yourself to the Mojolicious community is to give a talk! But what should you talk about? The cool stuff you do with Mojolicious!

Last years talks were on a wide range of topics. When I write a talk, I usually write really technical talks; I’m always trying to pack too much code into each slide. But when I’m in the audience, the ones that really knock my socks off are the ones I don’t expect.

Last year, Rich Elberger (this year’s host, incidentally) gave a talk that took me completely by surprise, he’s gaining traction using Mojolicious in an Enterprise system! How cool is that?!

So this year I’m really looking forward to seeing all the interesting ways that people are using Mojolicious! Maybe you wrote a cool app, or an interface to an API that’s popular or one that going to be. Maybe you are using Mojolicious to do some system task or solve a real-world problem.

Then again, tutorials are useful too. There are going to be lots of newcomers to Mojolicious. Maybe you want to tell us about your favorite Mojolicious feature and how to use it. Maybe you wrote a module on CPAN that you would like to show off. Maybe a construction technique that you find useful.

I’m really looking forward to this year’s MojoConf and I’m hoping to be delighted by new things, big or small! I hope to see you (and maybe even hear you) there!

About Joel Berger

user-pic As I delve into the deeper Perl magic I like to share what I can.