April 2018 Archives

Perl Toolchain Summit 2018

The Perl Toolchain Summit (PTS) is a yearly event that gathers the maintainers and contributors to the Perl Toolchain for four days in one room. Having all the people with both the knowledge and access to work on this critical corner of Perl all together in one place always leads to progress which is much more than the sum of those individual contributions. What is the Perl Toolchain? It is any part of Perl which is involved with modules, from creating, authoring, testing, uploading, distributing, loading, reporting on tests and test coverage, etc, etc. Projects like CPAN clients (cpanm, cpm), aggregation sites like MetaCPAN, CPANTesters, cpancover, and critical infrastructure like PAUSE and modules like Test::More/Test2 and many others are represented.

This year’s event was hosted in Oslo, by the indomitable Salve Nilsen, who first started this event in 2008 ten years ago, back when it was called Perl Quality Assurance Hackathon (QAH). Together with local organizers Stig Palmquist and other Oslo.pm members, as well as remote organizers Philippe Bruhat, Neil Bowers, and Laurent Boivin, (and others as well, I’m sure) it was again a wonderful event!

About Joel Berger

user-pic As I delve into the deeper Perl magic I like to share what I can.