March 2011 Archives

Jenkins and Perlbrew - A "where to" guide

Jenkins works well when your Java code is based on the build philosophy of maven or ant and tucked nicely in one of the popular source code management repositories. (All your code is versioned, right?!?) Building a newly created project will retrieve your code and build it with the system default tools; maven, java or ant.

Perlbrew - Running init after install, automatically (wget option)

Following the discussion on Daniel's Page you can also install perlbrew using wget similar to using curl.

wget -O- --no-check-certificate | \
sh | \
tee perlbrew_install.log | \
grep "bin/perlbrew init" | \
sh > perlbrew_init.log

If you don't have admin rights on your development box to install curl but do have wget available, this is an alternative to the instructions in the ="http…

Perlbrew - Running init after install, automatically

gogod's perlbrew module allows one to perform some simple admin tasks so you don't need to have root access. After having installed it a few times over the last couple versions, I created a quick script to install and run the init on installation.

The output of the install contains all the info you need. (I guess this also adds a dependency of not only curl for installation but also grep and tee but they are found on most *nixs anyway.)

curl -…

About John Chambers-Malewig

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