February 2014 Archives

Next DBD::SQLite to be released in early March

DBD::SQLite 1.41_06 is a release candidate of the next production release of DBD::SQLite. I'm planning to release it around the QA Hackathon in March if there's no blocking report. I suppose upgrading won't break your software, but please test it with 1.41_06 and post anything new you find to RT/GitHub/Mailing List.

Here're notable changes since the last stable release:

  • SQLite's query planner has been rewritten since SQLite 3.8.0 (bundled in DBD::SQLite 1.41_01). According to the upstream author, the new query planner should give exactly the same result (though perhaps w…

About Kenichi Ishigaki

user-pic a Japanese perl programmer/translator, aka charsbar