September 2011 Archives

I <3/> XML::Rabbit

Just a quick note about how much I appreciate the work Robin Smidsrød has done on XML::Rabbit. I'm now using it on a second project, and the ease in which I can quickly build a set of classes and attributes to process XML documents combined with the usual Moose-y goodness is truly wonderful.

The first project in which I used XML::Rabbit, XML::Ant::BuildFile, is still chugging away and working well…

I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS

Thanks to the Philadelphia Perl Mongers for hosting my DB Critic talk last night. I got over my public-speaking jitters and it went really well, with great questions and ideas from the whole group.

Presenting DB Critic at Philadelphia Perl Mongers tomorrow night

Just a quick FYI that I'll be presenting DB Critic (née DBIx::Class::Schema::Critic) tomorrow night at the monthly Philadelphia Perl Mongers meeting. We're in Room 307 of Levine Hall on the University of Pennsylvania starting at 7:00 PM.

About Mark Gardner

user-pic I help professional Perl developers to engineer modern, disciplined applications in the cloud so they can become experts that write easy-to-maintain code with confidence, increase their relevance in the market and get the best positions, high salaries, and work on interesting projects.