June 2010 Archives

PHP has include(index.php); what does Perl have?

I've done a little more with Perl and web design, but I've encountered a problem that has left me a bit perplexed. There's something PHP does that I'm sure Perl CAN do, but I'm just not sure how. That said, I'm not a huge fan of PHP, and to be quite honest the only function I've utilized has been include(), which is what I need to replicate. As you know, being able to standardize a page layout (header, body, footer) with separate pages makes things much easier to update. Instead of correcting/adding a navigation link to twenty pages, you only make one change! However, using PHP within a Perl…

About masterrex

user-pic I blog about the dumb little things I'm doing with Perl. I am by no means an expert; if you find that I've done something wrong or in a poor fashion, please correct me! I appreciate any and all knowledge you'd care to part with :)