December 2010 Archives

AnyEvent and Dancer: CondVars

There’s nothing wrong with timers, but if you are using AnyEvent, you usually have to deal with CondVars. There are two things you can do with a CondVar: Either you register a callback which will be called when the CondVar is triggered, or you call recv and it will block until the CondVar is triggered. In a route of your Dancer application, you probably want to block until you got all the data you want to display to your user.

Take the following (made-up) example which uses a Con…

Using AnyEvent and Dancer

That sounds quite nice, but we had to reverse-engineer the protocol. Afterwards, we noticed that only one (!) connection to that device is possible. So our first approach of using a little script to communicate with it was not optimal: It had timing problems because the NPM2000 took…

About mstplbg

user-pic I blog about Perl, obviously.