August 2016 Archives

Announcing Veure at The Perl Conference

I'm back from Romania and had a lovely time at YAPC::EU, er, The European Perl Conference, er, or this:

I unveiled that suggested logo at my opening keynote only to discover that many Perl devs had no idea what I was talking about. My sense of humor is shouting "get off my lawn."

However, I gave a lightning talk announcing Veure, including the game's name and blog! Veure is officially known as Tau Station and sign up for our newsletter to find out more, including keeping up with the alpha. Or just read our blog to see what's happening with it (but you really want to sign up for that newsletter).

Many thanks to Evozon for hosting a great conference!

About Ovid

user-pic Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book!