June 2010 Archives

OTRS on Plack

Lately I've been playing around with the OTRS ticketing system on one of my servers. OTRS is written in Perl, and is typically run as a CGI, mod_perl or FastCGI app. Usually I'd map it as a FastCGI app on Nginx and start the 2 FastCGI servers via a init.d script (one for the customer helpdesk and another for the management console).

But this time I wanted to give Plack a try.

I'm new to Plack and PSG…

CPAN source syntax highlighting

I've just updated a syntax highlighter bookmarklet I wrote a while back so that it now supports Chrome and Safari, besides Firefox.

I find it useful to syntax highlight when I peek at a module's source code in the CPAN website. You may find it useful too.

To install it, create a new bookmark and paste the following code into the location field (sorry, I couldn't find a way to post this as a javascript: link in this blog):


About rodrigolive

user-pic Perl and all things considered