Perl Advent Calendar articles about Moose
At $work, one of my colleagues who is not in a developer role has started to get into writing code more and more, and I am mentoring him. He's about to work on a productive ticket with Moose for the first time, so I gave him a little reading list, mostly involving selected parts of the documentation as well as Ricardo Signes' excellent talk Moose is Perl.
But then I thought I must have read lots of great blog posts about Moose on the Perl Advent Calendar over the years. I tried to find a few, but had some trouble identifying them easily. So I wrote a quick scraper. Here are all articles that mention Moose since 2010 (where the format of the website changed). Most of them are about Moose or one of the numerous MooseX modules.
- 2011-12-02: Keeping up with the Joneses by Ricardo Signes
- 2011-12-03: Keep it Clean by Ricardo Signes
- 2011-12-04: Warn Different by Ricardo Signes
- 2011-12-07: Unwrapping the Package(::Stash) by Jesse Luehrs
- 2011-12-09: Taming Search with Data::SearchEngine by Cory G Watson
- 2011-12-15: Install Even Less by Ricardo Signes
- 2011-12-20: Revisiting Test::Routine by Piers Cawley
- 2012-12-01: Sweet Path::Class is Coming to Town by Yanick Champoux
- 2012-12-12: Testing networking client code using Test::LWP::UserAgent by Karen Etheridge
- 2012-12-15: Gift Wrapping, part II: Locking the Room by Yanick Champoux
- 2012-12-16: Creating Your Own Perl by Toby Inkster
- 2012-12-20: Better Testing by Jesse Luehrs
- 2012-12-24: Have REST-ful Holidays by Chris Prather
- 2013-12-03: Swarm your webserver by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt
- 2013-12-11: Toystore Story by Yanick Champoux
- 2013-12-16: Advent-based Programming by Yanick Champoux
- 2013-12-19: More Moose, More Discipline by Ricardo Signes
- 2014-12-11: A Tiny But Powerful Type System by Mark Fowler
- 2014-12-17: Optional tests for optional requirements by Neil Bowers
- 2014-12-22: A Holiday PAPR-ation by John SJ Anderson
- 2015-12-03: Winter Platypus by Graham Ollis
- 2015-12-10: Just What Are You Installing Now? by Mark Fowler
- 2015-12-12: Configuration Station by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt
- 2015-12-16: Building Santa's Naughty and Nice List with Stepford by Dave Rolsky
- 2016-12-01: Graphing Moose Classes Automatically by Mark Fowler
- 2016-12-06: Help Santa Klaus Reward Only Nice Children by Jerome Eteve
- 2016-12-11: REST-oring Christmas Tranquility by Chris Prather
- 2016-12-14: Using PPI for static analysis by Nicolas R.
- 2016-12-17: Writing command line tools made easy by Tina Müller
- 2017-12-03: Context Matters by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-14: Prereqing around the Christmas Tree by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-16: For Elves, Shorter is Better by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-17: Making a constructor argument list, checking it twice. by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-18: Project Multipli-sleigh-ion by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-19: Maybe not by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-20: Reindeer by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-23: Speedy Validation by Mark Fowler
- 2017-12-25: Merry Christmas! by Mark Fowler
- 2018-12-11: Mu by Mark Fowler
- 2018-12-12: Growing Christmas Trees by Dave Cross
- 2019-12-07: Show Me Mo' by Mark Fowler
- 2019-12-21: Test2: Test Harder (but easier) by Mark Fowler
- 2019-12-23: Testing our Impatience by Mark Fowler
- 2020-12-04: Building Santa's Naughty and Nice List with Stepford by Dave Rolsky
- 2020-12-09: Speedy Validation by Mark Fowler
- 2020-12-13: Growing Christmas Trees by Dave Cross
And if you'd like to find your own list of articles for another module, here's the code I used.
use strict;
use warnings;
use open qw/ :std :utf8 /;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
foreach my $year (2011 .. 2020) {
foreach my $day (1 .. 25) {
my $url = sprintf '',
$year, $year, $day;
my $res = $ua->get($url)->result;
next unless $res->is_success;
my $dom = $res->dom;
next unless $dom->all_text =~ m/Moose/;
my $title = $dom->at('h1.title')->text;
(my $author) = $dom->at('div#author')
->text =~ m/:\s+(.+)\s+[(<]/;
printf "- %d-12-%02d: [%s](%s) by %s\n",
$year, $day, $title, $url, $author;
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mark Fowler for running the Perl Advent Calendar since the year 2000. He has managed to convince people to blog for this project almost every year, and it is an invaluable resource. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark at the Perl Conference in Glasgow a few years back, where he gave a talk about the project, and also encouraged people to contribute articles. Last year there sadly was no advent calendar. I think as a community we should come together and help Mark to make this happen again this year. I will offer to write an article, and I encourage all of you (well, at least 24 others) to do this as well!