When he aproved Raku naming change, Larry said .
"No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
This is a Bible quotation, but needs some explanation.
Larry said "No one sews a patch of unshrun…
In first proposal of subroutine signatures, default value is the following.
sub func($foo //= 0, $bar ||= 0) {
I think this can use only "=" as same as many ohter languages. and "||" is in body if needed.
sub func($foo = 0, $bar) {
$bar ||= 0;
Default value expression - subroutine signatures opinion blog
If you can perform type checking with an attribute handler and Type::Tiny, Perl will be more attractive.
For example.
use Type::Tiny::Signatures;
sub foo ($str : Str, $num : Int) {
Type Constraints using Type::Tiny and attribute handler - Perl Subroutine Signatures Opinion Blog
Perl's new feature is for the new Perl, but when it comes to subroutine signatures, CPAN Author also maybe wants to use it.
If CPAN authors can use subroutine signatures, both application code and CPAN module code can be written in one source.
I think new features should work with the new Perl, but I'm happy that only the subroutine signature feature can be backported.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could use subroutine signatures with tens of thousands of CPAN modules?
But is there such a way?
Is the new grammar of subroutine signatures easy to google search?
One of the criticisms of Perl is that "it cannot search google because it has many symbols".
Increasing the number of difficult-to-search symbols also increases the blame for Perl.
Is the new grammar easy to google search?
Are array and hash representations really needed?
Currently, "@foo" is proposed as the array representation. "%foo" is proposed as the representation of the hash.
Are array and hash representations really needed?
The current subroutine signature specification checks the number of subroutine arguments.
On the other hand, there is actually risks of increasing by checking the argument count.
Risk increased by checking the number of subroutine arguments - Perl Subroutine Signatures Opinion Blog
I have great respect for Perl developers.
I am always grateful for the work.
On the other hand, I have a very strong concern in the future of Perl.
I created a site for my opinions on subroutine signatures so that themes would not be missed in the discussion.
Perl Subroutine Signatures Opinion Blog
I have no final authority. I pray Perl developers make a good decision.
As a general Perl user who uses Perl for text processing on Linux, I have a simple question.
Why is the specification of subroutine signatures so complicated?
Jumbo Signatures extensions discussion
The most common criticism of Perl is that it cannot read Perl grammar.
If Perl grammar evolves in an easy-to-understand direction, you are welcome.
If you are going to increase the complexity blame for Perl, think a little more.
Is this feature really usef…