

  • About: I don't blog. And when I do, I more or less still don't.
  • Commented on Do your piece to fix TIOBE or stop talking about it
    I think the basic problem with TIOBE is that their concept is wrong. They are using a proxy for interest, a proxy that doesn't really mean what they say it does, and then making conclusions from it. Much like the...
  • Commented on Galileo 0.012 released!
    Can this work in a shared-hosting environment (e.g., Apache’s vhosts + FastCGI)? I’ve been looking for a perl-based CMS that I could deploy so I could possibly customise it with some existing data....
  • Commented on Counter-productive over time
    My major problem with dependencies is simple: the lawyers. They want to check everything before we can use it, and thrice before we can redistribute it. There is a form for each distribution. If everything I need is in a...
  • Commented on Perils of Plugins
    I would have thought that if I wanted to work with $self->get_postal->get_state, and not all postals have get_state, I should check. Checking the iso code against US seems off - not only for the reason you point out, that it...
  • Commented on Extensible Maintainable Subroutines and Methods
    I alternate between the two styles. I use hashrefs for big, monolithic functions. I use a single parameter for small functions. And a list of parameters for list functions. (I bet you thought that was going to be "medium functions".)...
  • Commented on Is PCLI possible?
    Not always applicable. And for many uses of env vars, where they aren’t configuring stuff that can’t also be configured another way, I don’t see much advantage here. It’s not like a web app that might be running under...
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