
  • Commented on Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?
    They're really not the same, though they are both ways of implementing polymorphism. First of all, roles are composed into classes. This means that all of a role's methods end up in the class as if they'd been defined there....
  • Commented on Payment Gateways
    On the plus side, the Braintree API uses Moose. On the minus side, holy crap! That code is insane....
  • Commented on CPAN candidates for adoption
    It occurs to me that it might be best to rename this list to something like "Modules Which Could Benefit From More Attention". Calling them candidates for adoption is a bit inflammatory, and some authors may get angry when they...
  • Commented on p5-MOP gets p6 style traits (sorta)
    One of the nice things about the way Moose does it now is that you can write a single MX that affects many meta-things. In p5-mop, this would translate to something like ... class Foo is complex { has $bar...
  • Commented on JQuery and Moose
    jQuery isn't great, and the APIs that plugins provide is generally godawful (method names passed as strings al a ... $("#id).accordion( "option", "active", 2 ) ... what the frack is that?) However, jQuery is pretty useful and there's a lot...
  • Commented on ruby vs perl / github cannot use utf8
    Just as a heads up, this is Moveable Type, not Socialtext....
  • Commented on SelfLoader and things I've learned writing/using a debugger
    That eval doesn't work either: use v5.14; if (0) { eval { sub foo { 42 } }; } say main->can('foo'); You'd either need to use a string eval _or_ you can use a glob assignment: use v5.14; if (0)...
  • Commented on I love pre-modern Perl and so should you, my introduction
    If all you use Moose for is _exactly_ the same things you did in Class::MethodMaker, I can see how it'd end up more verbose. However, Moose adds a number of useful features, such as type checking, predicate methods, etc. The...
  • Commented on I Bless You in the Name of the Stringified Object
    I will add this to the list of reasons I hate Perl 5's incredibly broken overloading (especially for strings and numbers). Patches for DateTime would be very welcome. I think it'd make sense to have the constructor explicitly check to...
  • Commented on CPAN modules that (can) load other modules
    You can use Module::Implementation for more than just Pure Perl or XS. It's useful any time you want to provide a given interface with 2+ possible backends. For example, you might try loading different per-OS implementations of an API (like...
  • Commented on DBIx::DataModel - Elegant Database Interaction with Perl
    @Peter: I think the complexity is just the whole conceptual framework that comes with DBIC, in particular the whole resultset and chaining bit. This isn't like other Perl ORMs and it's not like SQL either. I think that it's like...
  • Commented on YAPC::NA 2013 (Austin, TX June 3-5) Update
    I hate to be a downer, but you really have about 35 users so far. This is one the things I really hate about ACT. People can "register" without actually register. When you create an act account, there's a separate...
  • Commented on YAPC Presentation Recordings
    There's already I'm not sure exactly who maintains it, but besides the fact that I can't read any of the text, I think it does what you want ;) I suspect that the site could be improved, and in...
  • Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
    I like the idea of Pumpkin Perl being the new name for the Perl 5 language. That opens up the possibility of something like Moe Perl 1.0 for a Perl5++. And what about Perl 6? I'd love to see it...
  • Commented on Bringing Perl5 to GitHub
    I like the idea of doing this. Perl 5 has gotten easier to contribute to over the years, but this would make it even easier. That said, the core is still going to be an impenetrable mass of C and...
  • Commented on About the Grants Committee
    I think the grant limit is an issue. I have projects I could submit, but I think they'd take too much of my time, and $3,000 just wouldn't cover it. Basically, I think I'd need to be able to take...
  • Commented on summary for 2012
    I wrote the stats code for a million years ago. It's broken for reasons I don't exactly remember. It's something about the way the job posting date is changed when a job is updated, I think....
  • Commented on The shit of
    JT is right on here. You should delete this. It's not going to help you. I think the right way to handle this is to just publicly announce that you're leaving Booking. If someone is considering working for Booking, they...
  • Commented on Response to an Anonymous Critic
    @Steven: I think the main limitation with hosting providers is complete lack of shell access. You install stuff by FTPing it over to the host. This rules out XS, but a fatpacked app with many non-XS deps should work (in...
  • Commented on This is not tolerated
    Just to play devil's advocate a little, you write that one must "[understand] that boob jokes are disgustingly sexist and objectify women". This statement (and similar ones that often come up) threatens to drag the whole discussion way off topic....
  • Commented on YAPC::NA!
    If you're interested in doc work I think Moose could really use someone who's not me to read the manual start to finish and suggest improvements. When I wrote it, I was more of a Moose n00b than I am...
  • Commented on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Best Walk Awards!
    I honestly think this prize would be wasted on a speaker who's coming from the US or Europe. It's a great way to encourage the Asian Perl community to form closer bonds with the the American and European Perl communities....
  • Commented on YAPC::NA 2012 Schedule Final
    Lightning, not lightening....
  • Commented on On defined(@array) and defined(%hash)
    Could you be less rude, please? You may have some good points, but your nastiness makes reading your blog posts really tiring....
  • Commented on Archive::Tar::Wrapper vs. Archive::Tar
    Archive::Tar can be a real problem. A while back I patched dzil to use Archive::Tar::Wrapper if it's installed. This seems to make a difference for distros with a lot of files, like Moose. It'd be nice to have an Archive::Tar::Any...
  • Commented on MOPing with Moose
    It's entirely possible to add new types of meta-information to a metaclass. My Fey::ORM module provides two metaclasses (Fey::Meta::{Table,Schema}) that do this. I'll probably rewrite those classes as traits, but the basic idea remains the same....
  • Commented on Can we afford bad code on
    Yes, it can. We want to encourage people to use Perl and talk about Perl. A "no bad code on your blog" rule would make that very difficult....
  • Commented on The coming bloated Perl apps?
    @educated_foo: That's a pretty ridiculous straw man. I'm not telling anyone to use Moose. I'm saying that I will choose to use it or not based mostly on whether it makes my life easier, not Steven's or anyone else's. I...
  • Commented on Improving the CPAN experience (a GSoC summer tale)
    There's lots of interesting features listed here, and I know you've read my blog post where I talk about what a search.cpan replacement should do. I'd encourage you to think of this from a high level before you get too...
  • Commented on Does breaking encapsulation indicate the wrong type of hammer?
    @Joel: You say "I believe that people are not able to visualize what their code signifies until they appreciate the underlying reality." So you weren't able to understand Perl object until you understood hash refs, but you weren't able to...
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  • Aristotle commented on Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?

    Avoid complex inheritance hierarchies. This is equivalent to only allowing one level of inheritance.

    Yes, but then in order to do non-trivial specialisation you have to start inheriting from multiple things, like you would compose multiple roles. And then you run into problems because multiple superclasses can provide the same method – which one do you call? Do you call both? Do the two methods on those two superclasses mean the same thing?

    But with roles you do not have this problem. Why? Because roles become part of the class that consumes them, a…

  • jnareb commented on Are roles only semantically different from inheritance?

    Inheritance is (or should be) about is-a relationships fulfilling Liskov's substitution principle.

    One example that I have seen about roles is GuardDog class example: in Dog class hierarchy, and consuming Guard role (which can be consumed by many different unrelated classes).

  • marcoonroad commented on Response to an Anonymous Critic

    Sorry for my bad english, Perl Hackers, I has (near) 6 months with Perl, I has come from PHP, Python and Ruby languages, so, Perl is Uglyness than all? No, may be, or not, (Uglyness for me is bad structured and modularized code) but Perl is so far the most flexible language that I learn. I still study Software Engineering course based (with small things about Computer Science) here in the Brazil. My Intro to Development Web teacher was working with Perl in the 90’s years, but now he is work with C# (He was work with too, before, Assembly, Fortran, Cobol, C, etc…, good people).…

  • marcoonroad commented on Response to an Anonymous Critic

    Oh Sawyer X, i like so much your Dancer presentation for Python Programmers, thanks.

  • whirlyperly commented on Your benchmarks suck!

    Dumbbench doesn't seem to be very well maintained anymore.

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