October 2014 Archives

Where is Brent?

Does anybody know Brent B. Powers, the author of (amongst others) Tk::FileDialog and Tk::Waitbox?

I tried to contact the author my e-mail but every address I tried returned an error like undeliverable or unknown user etc.

Visualizing the McNaugthon-Yamada-Glushkov Construction

Once in a while I poke in my old Perl stuff to find something interesting. Luckily, this is usually the case.

Today, I found a script that draws an annotated syntax tree of a regular expression. The annotation shows the state sets calculated when applying the McNaugthon-Yamada-Glushkov algorithm to construct a finite automaton from the regular expression.

You can read about it in "Bruce W. Watson. Taxonomies and Toolkits of Regular Language
Algorithms. PhD thesis, Faculty of Computing Science Eindhoven
University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1995".


About Alex

user-pic I like Perl.