Let's say no to NO

I'm now converting the videos from this year's YAPC in Riga and a number of them will be published this year (even before Christmas :-).

There's nothing bad if the speaker does not want the video recording to appear online, but I would like to say strict no to any prohibitions I found on the recordings this year (and there were similar bans last year in Pisa). I would not like such talks to appear in the following Perl events.


And probably no notes and no memories of it either.

I absolutely agree. Open source, open talks. If you don't like it, don't talk. If your talk contains secrets you shouldn't talk about - well, don't talk about them. Vanity doesn't count either. :)

YAPCs usually benefit from sponsorship; this cannot be meant only for those people who happen to be in the room at that time.

I am not sure if I understood your point.

What sort of bans are you referring to apart from "don't show online"?

Consider a counterpoint to Marcel's statement. Without conferences, which provide an audience, there would be no speakers, no talks, and no recordings. If people don't participate as an audience member, why should they get a recording. You may think this is a weird position, but hang around with enough performers and you'll realize that the audience creates the performance as much as the performer. I certainly know as a speaker I have to feed off the audience's energy to give a good talk. I firmly believe that the talk exists only at a point in time and anything else is a weak representative of it.

Also, I object to the idea that just because we are talking about open source programming that everything else has to be free. It's already an open talk because everyone can attend. I object to the idea that I as a speaker exist only as a resource to mine and that as a condition for my (mostly) free participation in a conference that I also have to submit to any such conditions or that anyone would expect that I can't choose how I present myself. Pay me (and many conferences do) then I'm fine with the conferences getting more out of it.

> If people don't participate as an audience member, why should they get a recording.

Because some people have these things called "jobs" and are not in a situation to travel around a lot. Doesn't mean they do nothing though, often they spend a ton of their free time coding, fixing bugs, making test cases or releasing to CPAN, while they see all those people on twitter talking about getting drunk and going to talks.

Yes. I'm bitter about this kind of attitude. Luckily it's a minority attitude.

(Extending a bit further, there's also the case of young people who we as a community should be trying to appeal to and to pull them in, instead of going "Grow up and earn enough to afford conferences, then you can hear about this." Take a lesson from the Ruby folks who grok this kind of thing.)

The perfect conference of course would have live streaming. :-)
I see the point in Mithaldu's post.

On the other hand I can well understand speakers who limit consumption of their talks to "live attendance" because they make (part of) their living with talks they offer for free at these conferences.

Hi all,

I totally agree with what you all say.
I also attended this talk and was listening - but what can I say: wrong time wrong place?

Unfortunately this photo has been taken at a time where I just entered the room and was searching for a seat. So I just wanted to claim that it's not the person on the photo that gave the talk, because.. well.. it's me ;-)
Not very nice being the one standing next to the screen with those discussable signs on it...

Who was that guy?
There should be a possibility for private workshops like this, but not in an official speech.

Guess I'll never be at a YAPC::Russia then.

If you're paying for my flights, hotels and time, then you have the right to demand something. But if you expect me to pay for my flights, my hotels, and take time of work and all you do in return is to wave the conference fee, I think *I* can ask for no recordings.

I also have a job, and neither you, nor the conference organizers are paying for my flights, hotels or giving any compensation for the fact I'm not working those days.

I don't think you're entitled to dictate how I should present.

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