June 2018 Archives

What does a modern blog dashboard look like?

Yesterday, I described how I had approached developing PearlBee by reworking the data models and writing tests. That worked fine until a point, where the pipeline of user interaction was fairly obvious.

For example, it’s easy to write tests for a “reset password” feature. The user is supposed to go to the login page, see a link to reset password, click that. They should then submit their email or username in a form, and get an email with a link to a reset password form. All pretty obvious, since we’ve all used that several times (at least until password managers became popular…

Revitalizing blogs.perl.org

About a year ago, I submitted a grant proposal to TPF to revitalize this platform, blogs.perl.org. It was supposed to have taken only a few months, but it's still not ready. In the meantime, I have been completely silent, at least publicly. What's going on? Is it ever going to be delivered?

Indeed, I should have started writing here months ago, with traditional timely updates on the developments on the grant. What discouraged me to do so was that these developments have been somewhat irregular. Some moments of uncertainty on the best course of action, and others of simply not being ab…

About andrewalker

user-pic I blog about Perl.