Coding styles that make me do a double take

One of the worst programming habits I know of, is assuming that everything will
other words: do not bother checking for error conditions or propagating them,
because they are not going to happen anyway. right?


But the code works. Mostly. Except when an error condition occurs. And it
will, eventually.

In some instances, such code is a glorified
=""Not that
there's anything wrong with that" - some shell scrip…

The best Perl developer in the industry for May 2010?

Not sure I agree with the list but figured it was worth posting anyway.


Best Web Design Agencies, the independent authority on the best web designing companies, has announced the best Perl developer in the industry for May 2010. Numerous applicants have contacted the independent authority seeking to be ranked. An independent research team was assigned to review each applicant. After extensive review each of th…