August 2020 Archives

How and What to do in Programming (CY's Take on PWC#075 Task 2) [Edited]


Continued from the discussion of Task 1.

Task 2 Largest Rectangle Histogram

I am not a narcissist; though some of my actions are narcissistic traits, it does not imply that there is yet another narcissist; I am motivating myself for a better self.

Time Challenge (CY's Take on PWC#075 Task 1)

If you want to challenge yourself on programming, especially on Perl and/or Raku, go to, code the latest challenges, submit codes on-time (by GitHub or email).

Thanks in addition, on each Monday, you can read the RECAP linking others' solutions and blogs; I often learn something from both RECAP and Perl Review.

Do tell me, if I am wrong or you strongly oppose my statements!


While the weekly challenge is…

Self Challenge and Weekly Challenge (CY's Take on #074 Task 1)


If you want to challenge yourself on programming, especially on Perl and/or Raku, go to, code the latest challenges, submit codes on-time (by GitHub or email).

Thanks in addition, on each Monday, you can read the RECAP linking othe…

CY's Recent Submission for PWC(068-073) [edited]

Skipped blogging on Perl Weekly Challenge(PWC) for a few weeks!


Inexperienced in object-oriented, (after a few hours violent trial and error, ) I finally gave up the task #2 reordering a singly linked list.

For the task #1 zero matrix (task statement here), I handled it innocently. By the way, I read t…

a Piece of Note on Unicode Encoding for CJK characters (with my simple Caesar encoding script)

d Slhfh ri Qrwh rq Xqlfrgh Hqfrglqj iru FMN fkdudfwhuv

Uhdoob ryhuzkhophg eb zrun lvvxhv dqg wkh orfdo srolwlfv dqg sdqghplfv wkhvh gdbv. Doo duh rxw ri pb frqwuro. Vrphwlphv L kdyh ehhq uhdoob ghsuhvvhg exw kdyh qr rqh wr wdon wr gluhfwob, khqfh L flskhu zkdw L zdqw wr vdb; shrsoh zdqw wr xqghuvwdqg ph fdq kdyh d zdb wr uhdg lw, dqg shrsoh zkr duh douhdgb wluhg ru qhjdwlylvwlf fdq dyrlg pb zrugv. L kdyh zulwwhq d vlpsoh Fdhvdu hqfrghu lq Shuo iru Hqjolvk doskdehwv. Krzhyhu, zkdw L prvw zdqw wr zulwh lv d shuvrqdo Fdhvdu hqfrghu iru wkh whq wkrxvdqgv Fklqhvh fkdud…

About C.-Y. Fung

user-pic This blog is inactive and replaced by ; but I post highly Perl-related posts here.