Statistics back online

It's taken a little while, but the CPAN Testers Statistics site is now back online. Due to an unfortunate corruption of the cached data file, the file has taken some considerable time to rebuild.

With over 12 million reports to get through, the memory consumption to try and record everything all at once is quite demanding, hence why it's been building a chunk at a time. At some point very soon, I will be revisiting the way the data is collated and stored in memory and how the statistics are calculated and processed to make it all more efficient. I also plan to make it much more easy to process the sections to enable continuation if any part fails in a single run.

One thing to note, and something that may be more noticeable with the launch of the Admin site, is that the report counter has been adjusted. I recently reported that Chris had posted the 12 millionth report, which was true at the time. However, it now reads that Slaven holds that honour. The reason is due to the bogus reports that are now hidden from the statistics. This will likely happen from time to time, although hopefully not too frequently, as we have got a lot better at catching bad smoke runs and stopping them before they get too carried away.

I'm always looking for suggestions for improvements and additions to the statistics we currently present, and we've had one from Gabor, which I hope to work into the site soon. If you have any ideas for metrics you'd like to see, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Cross-posted from the CPAN Testers Blog

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