Analysing CPAN Testers' Reports

The task

In the second round of the Pull Request Challenge, I was assigned Olson::Abbreviations. At work, we've been bitten by the ambiguity of the EST timezone, so I liked the general idea of the module. Moreover, there were some test failures reported at CPAN Testers Reports, so the task was clear: Make all the tests pass!


The module had only 5 failures in non-development versions of Perl, contrasting with more than 1500 good test results. Therefore, I was able to analyse the failure reports one by one easily.

The first error reported was usually a variation of
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at C:/strawberry163/perl/vendor/lib/MooseX/ line 37.

What all the failed reports shared was the version of the dependent MooseX::ClassAttribute: 0.26. And indeed, when I checked its Changes, it said:

0.27   2013-03-28

- The latest Moose release (2.08) broke this module. This release
  fixes MooseX::ClassAttribute to work with both new and old
  Mooses. Reported by Jonathan Stowe. RT #84263.

At that point, I was almost sure the fix would be simple: just require version 0.27 of the dependency. However, I wanted to be sure I didn't miss something, so I decided to analyse the PASS reports as well.

Getting the reports

How does one fetch 1500 reports from CPAN testers? I searched for some API, but the only advice I got was to download the whole 2GB database. So, I decided to scrape the site gently.

I used WWW::Mechanize to get the report list. From there, I extracted individual reports using HTML::TableExtract. I only downloaded reports for stable Perl versions.

After downloading the first few reports, I discovered they were coming in two flavours. In one of them, the dependencies are reported in the following way:

Module Name                        Have     Want
Moose                            2.1403        0
MooseX::ClassAttribute             0.27     0.25

while, in the other, the order of the columns is different:

Module                 Need Have    
---------------------- ---- --------
Moose                  0    2.1403  
MooseX::ClassAttribute 0.25 0.27    

Also, I noticed the version 0.26 was present in one of the PASS reports. Therefore, I extracted Moose version from the reports, too, to verify Moose older than 2.08 could work with 0.26 without problems.

Here is the full code:

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use List::Util qw{ sum };
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTML::TableExtract;

use Data::Dumper;

my $url = '';

my $mech = 'WWW::Mechanize'->new();

my $te = 'HTML::TableExtract'->new( keep_html => 1,
                                    headers   => [ 'Grade',
                                                   'Perl version',
                                                   'OS name',
                                                   'OS version',
my $table = ($te->tables)[0];     # Recent module verision only.

my %reports;

for my $row ($table->rows) {
    my $perl_version = $row->[1];
    my $major = (split /\./, $perl_version)[1];
    next if $perl_version !~ /^5\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/
         or 1 == $major % 2;      # Stable Perls only.

    my $link = ($mech->links)[0];
    push @{ $reports{ $link->text } }, $link->url;

my %version;
my $count = 0;
my $all = sum(map scalar @$_, values %reports);
for my $result (sort keys %reports) {
    for my $url (@{ $reports{$result} }) {
        my $report = $mech->content;
        my $pos = $mech->content =~ /Module\s+Need\s+Have/ ? 1
          : $mech->content =~ /Module Name\s+Have\s+Want/  ? 0
                                                           : undef;
        unless (defined $pos) {
            warn "Can't find module version for $url.\n";

        my $mxca  = ($mech->content =~
        my $moose = ($mech->content =~ /Moose\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/)[$pos];
        my $deps  = "$mxca + $moose";
        print STDERR ++$count, ' / ', $all,
            " ($result $deps $version{$result}{$deps})    \r";
        sleep 1;                  # Let the server breathe.
say STDERR q();
say "MooseX::ClassAttribute + Moose";
print Dumper \%version;

And here is the result I got after 45 minutes:

MooseX::ClassAttibute + Moose
$VAR1 = {
          'FAIL' => {
                      '0.26 + 2.0800' => 2,
                      '0.26 + 2.1005' => 2
                      '0.26 + 2.1204' => 1,
          'PASS' => {
                      '0.26 + 2.0402' => 1,
                      '0.26 + 2.0602' => 1,
                      '0.26 + 2.0603' => 3,
                      '0.26 + 2.0604' => 309,
                      '0.27 + 2.0604' => 4,
                      '0.27 + 2.0801' => 70,
                      '0.27 + 2.0802' => 16,
                      '0.27 + 2.0900' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1001' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1004' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1005' => 231,
                      '0.27 + 2.1100' => 4,
                      '0.27 + 2.1101' => 5,
                      '0.27 + 2.1102' => 7,
                      '0.27 + 2.1103' => 5,
                      '0.27 + 2.1105' => 1,
                      '0.27 + 2.1106' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1107' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1201' => 3
                      '0.27 + 2.1202' => 191,
                      '0.27 + 2.1203' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1204' => 148,
                      '0.27 + 2.1205' => 33,
                      '0.27 + 2.1206' => 84,
                      '0.27 + 2.1209' => 2,
                      '0.27 + 2.1210' => 1,
                      '0.27 + 2.1211' => 3,
                      '0.27 + 2.1213' => 234,
                      '0.27 + 2.1303' => 1,
                      '0.27 + 2.1304' => 8,
                      '0.27 + 2.1400' => 6,
                      '0.27 + 2.1401' => 13,
                      '0.27 + 2.1402' => 28,
                      '0.27 + 2.1403' => 18,

Only one report didn't contain the versions at all. As you can see, my assumption was correct: 0.27 works with any Moose version, but 0.26 need pre-2.08 Moose to work.


My pull request just changed the required version in Makefile.PL:

requires 'MooseX::ClassAttribute' => '0.27';

And the same in the module itself:

use MooseX::ClassAttribute 0.27;
I pondered the possibility to allow the old version of MooseX::ClassAttribute if Moose was old, but I decided against it. It would just duplicate the work introduced in 0.27.


Good work!

As well as specifying the version in Makefile.PL, you should specify the constraint in the code as well:

use MooseX::ClassAttribute 0.27;

Did you know about I think it would have provided you with the information you needed, without the need of a scraper.

45 minutes via webscraping? My script gets the reports in 2 minutes, with some yaml caching, and files it under t/reports/$version

Open the page showing the combination of mod:MooseX::ClassAttribute and mod:Moose, and sort by "state".

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About E. Choroba

user-pic I blog about Perl.