Perl Weekly Challenge 005: The Anagrams

When I read the definition of an anagram in Wikipedia, I knew I would need a combinatorics module. I first checked Math::Combinatorics and tried to generate all the anagrams using its next_permutation method. I could have used Algorithm::Combinatorics and its permutations, as well.

But there was a catch: if a letter is repeated in the input word, the anagrams won’t be unique. I didn’t want to reach for List::Util’s uniq as it needs to keep all the anagrams in memory while the iterator had much lower memory footprint. Fortunately, I knew that “unique” means “hash” in Perl.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use Math::Combinatorics;

my @letters = split //, shift;
my $iter = 'Math::Combinatorics'->new(data  => \@letters);
my %seen;
$seen{$_}++ or say $_ while $_ = join '', $iter->next_permutation;

Real Words

The common meaning of “anagram” is different, though: it only means real meaningful words that are formed using the letters the original word consists of. For example, fluster is an anagram of restful, but not rlftsue. I happen to have a list of many (more than 300K) English words in the file /usr/share/dict/british on my system, so I used it to filter the anagrams:

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use Math::Combinatorics;

my @letters = split //, shift;

my %seen;
open my $dictionary, '<', '/usr/share/dict/british' or die $!;
chomp, --$seen{$_} while <$dictionary>;

my $iter = 'Math::Combinatorics'->new(data  => \@letters);
++$seen{$_} or say $_ while $_ = join '', $iter->next_permutation;

I intentionally changed the original program the least I could. Can you explain why the ++ was moved?

Most Anagrams

To solve the second challenge, we don't need to generate all the possible anagrams and count them. Playing with simple samples I was able to find the formula:

n = length ! / Πc(freq(c) !)

or, in other words, the number of anagrams equals the factorial of the length of the word divided by the product of factorials of all the frequencies of its letters.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

sub factorial {
    my ($n) = @_;
    $n *= $_ for 2 .. $n - 1;
    return $n

my @max = (0, "");
while (my $word = <>) {
    chomp $word;
    my %frequency;
    ++$frequency{$_} for my @letters = split //, $word;
    my $count = factorial(scalar @letters);
    $count /= factorial($frequency{$_}) for keys %frequency;
    @max = ($count, $word) if $count > $max[0];

say "@max";

Long Words

For longer words, the factorial gets very large and can become a float, causing imprecise results. For "a" x 100 . "b" x 100 the program returns inf. We can reach for Math::BigInt to fix that. Just replace the first line in the factorial subroutine with
my $n = 'Math::BigInt'->new(shift);

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About E. Choroba

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