Perl Weekly Challenge 009: Square Numbers and Ranking

Square Numbers

Find the fist square number with at least five distinct digits.

The word “distinct” is translated to “hash” in Perl. Just iterate over the square numbers and count the distinct digits (thanks holli for pointing out starting from 1 makes little sense):

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

sub distinct_digits {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my %d;
    undef @d{split //, $n};
    return keys %d

my $n = int sqrt 10234;
while (distinct_digits($n ** 2) < 5) {
say $n ** 2;


Originally, I implemented each ranking algorithm as a separate subroutine. There were many similarities between them, though, so I decided to abstract the common logic into a generic subroutine. Fortunately, I had already written the tests, so it was easy to check the results stayed the same.

I used the clubs that won the UEFA Champions League more than once and ranked them by the number of titles won.

use warnings;
use strict;

use Syntax::Construct qw{ // };

sub ranking {
    my ($points, $rank_init, $can_gap_grow) = @_;
    my $gap = 1;
    my $rank = $rank_init;

    my @sorted = sort { $points->{$b} <=> $points->{$a} || $a cmp $b }
                 keys %$points;
    @sorted = reverse @sorted if $rank_init;

    my $last = ! $points->{ $sorted[0] };
    my @ranked = map {
        if ($points->{$_} == $last) {
            ++$gap unless $can_gap_grow;
        } else {
            $rank += $rank_init ? -$gap : $gap;
            $gap = 1;
            $last = $points->{$_};
        [$rank, $_]
    } @sorted;
    @ranked = reverse @ranked if $rank_init;

    return \@ranked

sub standard_ranking { ranking(@_, 0) }

sub modified_ranking { ranking(@_, 1 + keys %{ $_[0] }) }

sub dense_ranking    { ranking(@_, 0, 1) }

my %titles = (
    'Ajax'              => 4,
    'Barcelona'         => 5,
    'Bayern Munich'     => 5,
    'Benfica'           => 2,
    'Internazionale'    => 3,
    'Juventus'          => 2,
    'Liverpool'         => 5,
    'Manchester United' => 3,
    'Milan'             => 7,
    'Nottingham Forest' => 2,
    'Porto'             => 2,
    'Real Madrid'       => 13,

use Test::Deep;
use Test::More tests => 3;

cmp_deeply standard_ranking(\%titles),
    [[1, 'Real Madrid'],
     [2, 'Milan'],
     [3, 'Barcelona'],
     [3, 'Bayern Munich'],
     [3, 'Liverpool'],
     [6, 'Ajax'],
     [7, 'Internazionale'],
     [7, 'Manchester United'],
     [9, 'Benfica'],
     [9, 'Juventus'],
     [9, 'Nottingham Forest'],
     [9, 'Porto'],

cmp_deeply modified_ranking(\%titles),
    [[1, 'Real Madrid'],
     [2, 'Milan'],
     [5, 'Barcelona'],
     [5, 'Bayern Munich'],
     [5, 'Liverpool'],
     [6, 'Ajax'],
     [8, 'Internazionale'],
     [8, 'Manchester United'],
     [12, 'Benfica'],
     [12, 'Juventus'],
     [12, 'Nottingham Forest'],
     [12, 'Porto'],

cmp_deeply dense_ranking(\%titles),
    [[1, 'Real Madrid'],
     [2, 'Milan'],
     [3, 'Barcelona'],
     [3, 'Bayern Munich'],
     [3, 'Liverpool'],
     [4, 'Ajax'],
     [5, 'Internazionale'],
     [5, 'Manchester United'],
     [6, 'Benfica'],
     [6, 'Juventus'],
     [6, 'Nottingham Forest'],
     [6, 'Porto'],

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About E. Choroba

user-pic I blog about Perl.