Perl Weekly Challenge 015: Strong and Weak Primes, and Vigenère Cipher

Strong and Weak Primes

Write a script to generate first 10 strong and weak prime numbers.

The two sets of primes are defined with the following formulas:

  • p(n) is Strong when p(n) > [ p(n-1) + p(n+1) ] / 2
  • p(n) is Weak when p(n) < [ p(n-1) + p(n+1) ] / 2

It took me some time to realise there is a third set of primes which isn’t mentioned in the above list: there are also Balanced primes. The comparison operator for them is =.

To generate primes, I reused the (slightly modified) module I created for the Challenge 012. It caches the primes found so far and extends their list when needed.

package My::Primes;
use warnings;
use strict;

sub new { bless [2, 3], shift }

sub is_prime {
    my ($self, $n) = @_;

    $self->grow until $self->[-1] >= $n;

    return !! grep $_ == $n, @$self

sub grow {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $candidate = $self->[-1];
    my $is = 0;
    until ($is) {
        $candidate += 2;
        my $i = 0;
        $is = 1;
        while ($self->[$i] <= sqrt $candidate) {
            $is = 0, next PRIME if 0 == $candidate % $self->[$i++];
    push @$self, $candidate;

We can let the module generate primes, what’s left to us is to categorise them as weak, strong, or balanced. Instead of an if-elsif-else or a nested ternary operator, I used a trick: I kept a list of the arrays to push to and used the comparison operator <=> to select the particular array. The operator returns -1, 0, or 1, we can easily use these numbers as list subscripts—just keep in mind that -1 comes last.

#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;

my $p = 'My::Primes'->new;
my (@strong, @weak, @balanced);
while (@strong < 10 || @weak < 10) {
    push @{
        (\@balanced, \@strong, \@weak)[
            $p->[-2] <=> ($p->[-3] + $p->[-1]) / 2 ]
    }, $p->[-2];

And we can output the results (needs use feature qw{ say };):

say for "Strong: @strong[0 .. 9]",
        "Weak: @weak[0 .. 9]",
        "Balanced: @balanced";

Vigenère Cipher

I started with a test, based on the Wikipedia page. I decided to use Object Orientation, the constructor would take the keyword as a parameter.

use Test::More tests => 2;
my $v = 'My::Vigenere'->new('LEMON');
is $v->encode('ATTACKATDAWN'), 'LXFOPVEFRNHR', 'encode';
is $v->decode('LXFOPVEFRNHR'), 'ATTACKATDAWN', 'decode';

I then proceeded to implement the two methods. They ended up very similar to each other, so I deduplicated the common logic into an internal method: in encode, we need to “add” the characters and handle the “overflow” beyond Z, in decode, we need to “subtract" the characters and handle the “underflow” below A.

package My::Vigenere;
use warnings;
use strict;

use constant CHAR_COUNT => 1 + ord('Z') - ord('A');

sub new { bless \$_[1], $_[0] }
sub encode { $_[0]->_code($_[1],  1) }
sub decode { $_[0]->_code($_[1], -1) }

sub _code {
    my ($self, $string, $direction) = @_;
    my $x_coded = "";
    for my $i (0 .. length($string) - 1) {
        my $ch = substr $string, $i, 1;
        my $pch = substr $$self, $i % length $$self, 1;
        my $ord = ord($ch) + $direction * (ord($pch) - ord('A'));
        $ord -= CHAR_COUNT if $ord > ord 'Z';
        $ord += CHAR_COUNT if $ord < ord 'A';
        $x_coded .= chr $ord ;
    return $x_coded

We need to subtract the ord('A') because the character codes don’t start at 0 for A.

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About E. Choroba

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