March 2020 Archives

Perl Weekly Challenge 053: Rotate Matrix and Vowel Strings

Rotate Matrix

Write a script to rotate the following matrix by given 90/180/270 degrees clockwise.
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 4, 5, 6 ]
[ 7, 8, 9 ]

For example, if you rotate by 90 degrees then expected result should be like below

[ 7, 4, 1 ]
[ 8, 5, 2 ]
[ 9, 6, 3 ]

The easiest way to work with multidimensional data in Perl is PDL. Interestingly, I haven’t found a direct method to rotate a matrix in this way.

What I have found, though, was a method to transpose a matrix, which means to switch the columns and rows. The result for the sample input is

Perl Weekly Challenge 052: Stepping Numbers & Lucky Winner

Stepping Numbers

Write a script to accept two numbers between 100 and 999. It should then print all Stepping Numbers between them.

A number is called a stepping number if the adjacent digits have a difference of 1. For example, 456 is a stepping number but 129 is not.

The naive approach would be to iterate over all the numbers from 100 to 999 and check the difference between each adjacent digits.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

NUMBER: for my $n (100 .. 999) {
    my @digits = split //, $n;
    for my $i (1 .. $#digits) {
        next NUMBER
            unless 1 == abs($digits[$i - 1] - $digits[$i]);
    say $n;

In fact, for the given range this is enough. But if we try to print all the stepping numbers of length 7 (1_000_000 .. 9_999_999), it takes more than 10 seconds.

Perl Weekly Challenge 051: 3 Sum and Colourful Numbers

3 Sum

Given an array @L of integers. Write a script to find all unique triplets such that a + b + c is same as the given target T. Also make sure a <= b <= c.

Here is wiki page for more information.


@L = (-25, -10, -7, -3, 2, 4, 8, 10);

One such triplet for target 0 i.e. -10 + 2 + 8 = 0.

I hadn’t checked the wiki page before writing my solution; and I hadn’t changed the solution after I read it. Therefore, it presents the naive and inefficient solution that iterates over all the possible triplets (but not starting from 0 in the inner loops to avoid checking the same triplet several times).

Perl Weekly Challenge 050: Merge Intervals and Noble Integer

Merge Intervals

Write a script to merge the given intervals where ever possible.
[2,7], [3,9], [10,12], [15,19], [18,22]

The script should merge [2, 7] and [3, 9] together to return [2, 9].

Similarly it should also merge [15, 19] and [18, 22] together to return [15, 22].

The final result should be something like below:

[2, 9], [10, 12], [15, 22]

This sounds so similar to PWC 039 I first thought I could solve it in the same way. Unfortunately, Set::IntSpan gives a different result:

use warnings;
use strict;

use Set::IntSpan;

my @intervals = ([2, 7], [3, 9], [10, 12], [15, 19], [18, 22]);

my $set = 'Set::IntSpan'->new([@intervals]);

print $set; # 2-12,15-22

The reason is that the module only considers integers. There’s no integer between 9 and 10, so the spans 2-9 and 10-12 can be merged into one span 2-12.

Perl Weekly Challenge 049: Smallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Smallest Multiple

Write a script to accept a positive number as command line argument and print the smallest multiple of the given number consists of digits 0 and 1.

For example: For given number 55, the smallest multiple is 110 consisting of digits 0 and 1.

The simplest naive solution is to start from the input number, keep adding it to itself until the result consists of 0's and 1's exclusively.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

my $x = shift;
say "$x ", smallest_multiple($x);

sub smallest_multiple {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my $r = $n;
    $r += $n until $r =~ /^[01]+$/;

The problem of this solution is that it’s very slow for multiples of 9, as the result of the function is a very large number (111_111_111 for 9, 111_111_111_111_111_111 for 99).

About E. Choroba

user-pic I blog about Perl.