Finance::QuoteDB 0.15 released

Please note that I have released Finance::QuoteDB 0.15 to CPAN.

Finance::QuoteDB is meant as a fullblown database application for
maintaining stock data. It allows anyone to easily create and update a
stock database. The information is gathered by using Finance::Quote
and the database is created and maintained by use of DBIx::Class.

The config-file for GeniusTrader use is generated automatically.
Interface to R is planned to be integrated.

1 Comment

Hi Eric!

Finance::QuoteDB doesn't download tickers by addYahooStocks function both from command linte (fqdb) and from prel code. Could You also tell where I can find list of Yahoo finance exchang codes.


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About Erik Colson

user-pic Financial use of Perl, Emacs and Objective-C