Perl Maven in Brazilian Portuguese

Slowly, but the Perl Maven site is gaining popularity among people looking for information about Perl. I'll write about the stats later.

Last week Felipe Leprevost asked me if I'd agree for him to translate the Perl Tutorial to Portuguese. I was happy to say yes as I believe having a decent introduction to Perl in your native language can make a big difference, even if later on you'll need to improve your English.
He made the translation and we already made the first article public: Instalando o Perl, imprimindo "Olá Mundo".

There were also several people who offered their help. This is awesome!
Thanks Felipe for your initiative!

The source of Perl Maven on Github

In order to make it easier for us to collaborate I set up Github repository for the Brazilian Portuguese files, and I also made the source of Perl 5 Maven available to make it easier for him to fetch the original English sources. The format is the horrific result of combining PODish with XMLish.

(the were merged after this post)
These are only the sources of the public pages and not the code that shows them. One day, after I cleaned them up, I'll probably push those too to Github.

In the meantime this might encourage some people to fix a typo, contribute an article, or start another translation.

Perl 6 Maven

If I was already there, I went on and pushed the sources of the Perl 6 Maven site to Github as well.

In that case too, only the source of the articles are available. I am still trying to clean up the rest of the mess I created before I push it to the open.

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About Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו

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